Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Fair reaction.
I honestly don’t want any welfare gear, I just want this game to having some god damn meaning again.

It’s a damn ilvl simulator game. Nothing matters. You can get 1/3 of your gear to the second highest difficulty without doing anything challenging, all you need to do is rely on luck.
Why would you even need to play the game after that.

better for them. you like to leaves this out. They said, they are better for their play style, you know personal preference.

As for why everyone changed from Alliance to Horde since LK, maybe because Everyman was utterly broken in that it saved you a trinket slot so you could run dual dps trinket and still break cc on fights that needed it.

I saw the stats. Up to that point in time there was consistently 55 to 45 percent win ratio in favor of horde - that reversed in WoD and it is back to the horde ahead again. When one faction consistently over years and years dominates in that fashion there is a problem, it should be switching back and forth consistently and it doesn’t.

For the last raid, which is what this gear matters for; Horde got it and Alliance didn’t. Just how lucrative is the 400 piece? Lucrative enough for Horde guilds to transfer to Alliance for? Probably not, because horde racials and their far, far larger pool of people to choose from in mythic raiding matters a lot more and won’t solve the imbalance that is Horde Favored for expansions.

how lucrative is one every single week? People keep forgetting that little detail


I don’t think it has anything to do with hand holding, in my opinion there are just more Horde that enjoy pvp or wpvp then there are Alliance.

WM was big a selling point for Blizz and it was starting to fail with the lack of Alliance participating in it and they needed some incentive to get Alliance to turn it on and they know that 400 gear will do it. That’s why you see so many finish the quest then turn it off.

Its got nothing to do with being cowardly or whatever buzz word some one wants to use, its just quite clear that pvp is not as popular with the Alliance.

That being said I love wpvp and pvp and don’t need any incentive so its a shame more Alliance don’t.

so if a faction is better at something then the other we should cripple the better faction in favour of fairness. I mean I can admit we have better racials but seriously that’s not the only differentiating factor. It may be time to accept that Horde players are generally better and more open to PVP.

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Could always turn off warmode and not participate in it until your faction gets the 30% buff. That’s the difference, it’s a choice of your faction to have it or just the 10%.

and yet in WoD, an some other expansions it was all Alliance :thinking: wanna try that one again?

lol hardly.

Alliance just cheese the system since the ratio isn’t done until right before reset. So they turn it on, do quest, turn it off. Thus, Alliance will always claim they are outnumbered when they really aren’t.

Free heroic gear this early is just asking for trouble though. Why Blizzard lacked the foresight for this I’ll never know.


Hey, I’m gonna do what I do every expansion. Queue BGs, collect CP, get gear. Not that I wanna be Alliance per se, but this is where the short queues are at without having to refresh a merc buff every hour and turn down players quick joining because I’m mercing.

What a great job by blizzard. Incentivizing people to stop taking part in content. This will be great addition to an already terrible expansion


No I do not. In the rare expansion you guys break through but generally the alliance is the underdog in pvp.

Uhh, no it isnt. I play with them about as much as you do.

Yup, huge oversight by Blizz. I get their intentions, but if this is the end goal, holy cow that’s bad.

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False, it takes data regarding activity through the whole week. Horde have been trying very hard to cheese it, hence Alliance just keep getting 30%. Especially when Horde are basically outnumbering Alliance at this point, and Top-end players from PVP and PvE are more likely to do Warmode because higher gear = easier to kill people. So, more Horde using it from the start and this has been very apparent.

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What some players might think has an impact is different from whether it actually had any impact.

I’m sure Blizzard knows what ilevel is across the factions and its increase as a whole from different forms of content players participate in. I mean, should we worry if one WQ emissary award is higher from week to week depending upon the faction now as well?

How the fel is “Slay 25 Horde players” FREE gear? Sounds like a LOT of effort to me.

Only when the Horde has the better racials in general. That’s just how bad Alliance racials have been and will continue to be, just look at the Zandalari racials. :slight_smile:

Blizzard doesn’t give us heroic raid level gear for doing it?