Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

All I’ve heard is Horde is better, must be something to do with their Magic Racials!!!

How about you do a comparison, including percentage advantage. Race by race H vs A.

I’ll save you the trouble, you are wrong. Now and in the past…


Honestly though, would you really want to be Alliance right now? Getting all this welfare gear?

When you have access to 5 Heroic level items (1/3 of your gear) within the first week of the patch. What the hell is the point in actually playing?
So your later Heroic level items titanforge?
Talk about making content stale.

Progression…yay…what is the point of this game anymore? Seriously? Welfare loot, Titanforging, socketing. It’s a bunch of bull that makes the game unrewarding.

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you arent. I didnt know what racials were when i went horde. Belf was never chosen because of AT and now that AT is meh i still wont change, Using the best of the best to make an argument is desperate because most players arent spending money for minor racial gains

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I unsubbed after seeing this lol, nothing Blizzard does will make up for this, even if they give Horde a ilvl 400 piece of welfare gear, I’ll still feel cheated. They really dun goofed, I’m getting this seasons elite gear and I’m gone to Elder Scrolls Online

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your racials lead to top alliance guilds changing to horde.
top alliance guilds changing to horde meant the best alliance players left and others soon followed.
this has resulted in an imbalance where horde now has the mass majority of the best players in the world. want proof go look at wowprogress and tell me how alliance progression looks compared to horde.

I got a 400 azerite helm with a BiS outer trait.

Feels good to be the underrepresented faction =)

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hell, even method admitted that the reason they went horde in mop is because of racials

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so tell me how it was that at the end of wrath, of the top 100 guilds over 40 were alliance, and by the time we get to today, only 11 are?

why did those guilds all change to horde?

Maybe millions of alliance cancelled subs so Blizz desperate to get players back into the game? Always follow the money trail.

I mean if method did it then everyone did. Everyone is a lemming

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there is truth to that, people like to follow these top guilds like groupies.

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then some people are idiots

I hit max level and bailed on warmode. I gank when I want and bail when I’m about to get ganked. unless you are leveling or want to be involved in gank parties roaming around the world I wouldn’t have Warmode on.

Should we be trying to get the Horde to mass turn off Warmode in protest to get the items ourselves? :smiling_imp:

So what you are trying to say is “Alliance are bad”? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I did, you’re being obstinate. More players were playing horde, alliance went to play with the larger player base. World first was horde for 25m ICC, and it wasn’t because racials gave them some ungodly advantage.


funny because method disagrees with you. they specifically transfered because the horde racials were better.

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You seem to think every player is method. using the top .0001% to make your arguments is desperate at best


people follow the pack. they try to get every advantage they can.

So if the alliance followed method then the imbalance is the alliances fault