Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

You can keep stating the somethings, doesn’t make them relevant.

55% play on Horde? Has little to do with Racials.
89% that cleared Mythic…so you are a mythic level raider? Has little to do with racials…
70% of top end PVP…once more, very little to do with racials. Suggest you go back and relook at the list available. The only one, which is new, is BE…was silly of Blizzard.

So, once more, please be specific…

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Was sarcasm.

I guess that’s why horde out numbers alliance, alliance gets such advantages.

It’s not too much if it’s working as intended. If this is as gamebreaking as many are suggesting, then Alliance players will be obligated to use WM, and consequently that’ll mean the WM buff is shifted to the Horde.

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It doesn’t work that way. If enough use it then turn it off after the quest, Alliance keep the quest next week.

So please tell me then. How is that magically 9 of every 10 guilds that cleared mythic uldir are horde.
Did 9 out of every 10 guilds just flip w coin and come up horde?
Or have alliance guilds been changing to horde over time for the advantage that racials present and then other competitive raiders followed because of the very obvious advantage that horde was presenting?

Or did you seriously believe that all the top guild’s and players just magically chose horde

Horde got their i-Level 370 first, before Alliance did. This is just a turning of the tables. Next patch, Horde will get our i-Level 425 first.

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i dont think you know how this works

Guilds have been changing because it’s where the better players are. That’s the only reason mine shifted from horde to alliance, it had literally nothing to do with the racials.

That was for warfronts. This is a warmode quest to just kill 25 players, which Horde likely won’t get. Either way, neither faction should get this kind of reward for warmode.

That is my mistake, I should have Cavs, I really don’t watch basketball. My point was that it isn’t a favoritism as the op was suggesting through the racials being better, but that you have a different talent pool. Moreover, we don’t know why these players are there. Could it have something to do with racials, with method, sure, it fits their playstyle. But with the others, we don’t know. So, how can one claim bias when all those graphs show us is who does, and finishes mythic+ raids.

Perfect, so you are incapable of being specific…


Well, honestly, that’s what I see them trying to correct creatively through the lore. In case none of us were watching, they are setting up a complete paradigm shift in the faction stories that could potentially add new factions to the mix (removing dichotomy in favor of something more diverse) or opening the gates for races from both sides to choose.

No, I don’t KNOW they’re going to do that, but it sure looks like it. Perhaps, they’ve been brainstorming on the faction problem and are trying to repair it or replace it. I’m willing to wait and see. I don’t feel disadvantaged. I’m still able to play the content I want to play, and I still have people to play with.

I’ve played horde for a long time, but I started out Alliance and my friends who were still active played alliance. I started out Horde in BfA and I’ve been Alliance now since shortly before 8.1 hit.

I had fun on both. I wasn’t being held back by anything player base-related or racial talent-related.

Unless we’re actually IN a world first mythic raid guild (which almost none of us are), I don’t think any of this matters.

What matters, in a very viable and daily way, is that alliance is getting heroic raid gear that is denied to the horde if they do the same content.

It isn’t cool. It isn’t okay. It’s not going to make people faction change. It’s going to make people quit WoW. It’s beyond stupidity to defend it, and I want to shake a finger at the guy in the board room meeting who came up with it.

Incentivize it, sure. But heroic raid gear? Seriously? NO.

And why are the better players on horde? It couldn’t be that they started changing to horde for racials

I was specific. How much more do you want.

Human racial was broken to hell though. The way it interacted with trinkets as just too good. You can check out statistic sites of battlegrounds showing over 30% disparity in win rates between the factions while it was strong. People complain that Alliance suck in PvP now and there is only a ~4-6% disparity.

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About 20, it was hard to get the tag before you all died so fast.

Omg my OP racial will save me from the onslaught of alliance groups getting there welfare gear!

Or because the horde is generically speaking a more attractive race to play.

I started on horde because I didn’t want to play some offshoot of a human, I cant imagine I’m the only one. The population grows based on that principal alone, doesnt require racials. Honestly, you’re trying to conflate two things without having anywhere near enough supporting information for it.

People flock to where the crowd is at. It’s an mmo, I want to play with more people not less.

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Not free, as I ignore that quest all the time.