Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

10 bucks he says racials.


But it did when Horde got warfronts first that one week. We are STILL hearing about it in this thread :thinking:

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Oh my do I have to go into this Again?
55% of the population is horde.
89% of all guilds that cleared mythic uldir are horde.
70% of top end PvP or PvE players are horde.

This all stems from better racials.


actually, 3 pc’s of free gear before horde get 1.
Your getting 2 Overwhelming quests, Darkshore, and Ivus before we even get Darkshore.

we are both going to get the same amount of gear from the raid, theoretically.

One faction has to get those first. They’re on a rotation. How is this still such a mindblowing shock to a lot of people?


Just really bad timing is all

If horde turn off warmode the buff and quest should shift to horde next week.

I’m not getting anything. Still not doing anything but Bgs. We better win most too because we got gear handed to us first :joy:

I don’t forget that - you guys whined until you got the human racial changed. One that had been in the game for years, all of a sudden was too good.

That’s how we fix warmode. Wintrade heroic gear.

I am not ignoring that. But in Legion and BFA they have been basically equal. In WoD there were masses of people changing to Alliance for the sweet PVP racials.

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They’re right you know. Even if racials were completely balanced from here on out or heck even removed. Nothing is going to upset the inertia, friction and gravity of what the devs allowed to occur all throughout legion and uptil now. People flat out even if they had the money to do so wouldn’t leave horde.

For one a two reasons. It has the larger population base here in NA (excluding oceanic servers), and more competent players (greater amount of 8/8M guilds). For those two reasons alone and especially since we are in a population slump because less people are playing the game, why wouldn’t you want to play with more people? Especially on average, more competent people?

That’s a fact that people refuse to see time and again. The damage has been done, and nothing sort of blizzard forcibly deciding who goes blue and red won’t fix the problem. Personally I am in favor of doing the slow burn approach of replicating the process that got us to where we are now, and then straight up removing racials once populations are equally split, but horde players will see that as a controlled opposition ploy by blizzard to milk more money. Not to mention that practically there hardly exists anyone on the WoW team that openly supports alliance.

Face it everyone the devs mistake of letting this problem go uncorrected is why alliance has these buffs. Tempting alliance to go into war mode is a controlled opposition bid to keep horde players happy with a target dummies so that they can at least feel like they aren’t getting the rewards of war mode for free (that is the intended goal). In practice it falls short of what it is supposed to be because blizzard has such an amazing track record for predicting player behavior (sarcasm).


Then the issue is with the fact that warfronts are available on a strict rotation, not “Alliance/Horde bias”. It would still be bad timing if Horde had gotten them first, but that’s just a problem with the way warfronts work. No biases.

I vote we subject the devs to corpse dragging between the FP in vol’dun to a rested area to turn off warmode and ask them if its “fun”

We get a free piece of gear from Ivus ? He is going to be generous to me this time, nice. Can I complain when he just gives me gold as usual ?

Ok dude whatever floats your boat and gets you likes on the forums from qqing horde.

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Oh no one said it was mind blowing. Just we have been facing an onslaught of “Horde bias”, yet apparently in the first week of the raid Alliance have access to up to 5 pieces of 400 ilvl gear outside of raids where as Horde have access to 1.

Outside of WM rubbish I know it’s coincidence, I just find it some what amusing.

obviously you did forget it. changes st xpac end. horde got nothing meanwhile in legion you guys got an honor bonus and from there more and more handholding

Horde have been camping since the start of BFA in large numbers so don’t act like one side does it an not the other.

If you have a problem with the 400 gear that is understandable but any Horde complaining about being ganked is a hypocrite and whiner.

I’m fine with that. But you have to have enough horde around that alliance can complete the quest. And I’ll stay in warmode next week so horde can farm me.