Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

thank you it is bad

So, they alienate the majority of players to appease the few. I guess what we learn is all the horde turn off WM till we get an unfair buff. Lesson learned, thanks Blizz.

Nope it’s all randomized. Only servers they kept like this are RPpvp servers like ED


That’s easy. WM turned off on 3 Horde chars. Very silly (and lazy) solution, to a problem that didn’t exist, by the dev team.

If this is the direction they want to go, next I’ll vote with my $.

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Well at least rp realms have some advantage.

 Alliance has fewer people who play than horde.
Alliance are leaving Warmode to finish their daily quests because most are tired of the farming from horde.
We have tried LFR tool; World PVP, advertising in general and nothing.
(I.E. Alliance are traveling in a group of usually ten running world quests and trampled by a group of 30 to 40 horde; to prove ones point
 when you have five assassins on horde side and none of the alliance side.)

Note: This is what I have seen, and what others have complained about on general and guild. I imagine it is different on others realm, sever, sharding, cross realm, or whatever it is called now. There are horde who ran into these unfortunate events. (as stated above)

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Blizz should check WM participation rates this week and compare it with other previous weeks.
If the participation rate increased, then it means it worked =P

I know I turned on WM for the first time in BfA lol
And I didn’t even turn it on with the 30% bonus.

I’m gonna laugh my a** off if the first guild to get World first on the new raid is alliance, and the top horde guilds claim it’s because they where spoon fed 3 pc’s of ilvl 400 gear each. That would probably lead to a mass of people leaving the game and maybe Warcraft really would finally die.

(2 weeks worth of quest level 400’s, and darkshore 400 before mythic opens)

No, because there are multiple avenues to gearing up in the game, more than ever before. One quest with one piece of gear does not suddenly break the game.

Should we start removing other avenues of gear if it has an equal or higher level than the cap in CP each week?

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Just lock WM from Tuesday to Tuesday. You opt in today, you can’t opt out until next reset.

They cannot possibly gather any meaningful warmode participant numbers when alliance just turn it on when it’s convenient.

Sure there are, but an ilvl 400 weapon week 1, is potentially game breaking in arena pvp and world first progression. It would be something like a 5% damage boost over corrent gear, assuming 385 was cap, for MH weapon on say like a rogue.

NO?! Lol, it’s an unfair advantage ONE side gets that another does NOT get. Ya, I don’t have an avenue to do 1 quest (That frankly is a cheese in a raid), to get 400 gear. No, it’s wrong and it’s broken. Alliance lose their MINDS because they thought horde got better races, or story lines etc
 This is a BS tactic to baby sit a group of players who don’t want to participate unless they get an unfair advantage.

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Sure. It can go. The moment racials are balanced and all those guilds that swapped to horde are back on alliance.

Simple, just turn off WM, then they wont get anything

/snort. That’s funny.

Ignoring the fact that they weren’t like that for a few years. Way to twist history dude.

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 let me get this straight. Alliance get 400ilvl gear from WM now, AND they will be the first attacking with the 400 ilvl from Darkshore, AND they get the first shot at Ivus with 400ilvl?

Yet there are 50 threads about Horde bias flooding this forum.


Horde has always had more players because it’s the underdog races, and people naturally gravitate to the underdog in most cases. doesn’t really have anything to do with the expansion itself, other then highlighting the discrepancy.

Story wise, not anything else.

So it’s okay for horde to have advantages but not alliance?


And what “advantages” are those? Please be detailed