Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

You clearly have no clue what it was like for alliance early on during warmode.

Horde were forming 40 man raids and graveyard camping alliance until alliance logged out.

Alliance got fed up and quit because it was a waste of time.

The forums were, indeed, full of people saying this every day, all the time. I leveled Meriweather from 1-120 in War Mode. She is almost always in War Mode unless I have to change it over to group with people who are not.

I have never seen this as a patternā€¦this ā€œhorde constantly so bad that we canā€™t get anything done.ā€ Havenā€™t seen it. Iā€™ve seen horde camping an assault for an hour, but we still managed to get out, wait for them to pat away from our bodies and continue on. Never had to turn WM off to finish anything. Never had to turn it off to finish leveling a zone.

I believe people who say they experienced this. But it was not my experience at all. I havenā€™t seen it at all. It was not universal. The Alliance player base is more WPvP averse and will, therefore, turn WM off much more easily than Horde. Perception is that Horde wonā€™t let you finish anything? Perception is that if theyā€™re camping a FP, theyā€™re going to be there all night and no one will ever get anything done? Everyone cries in /1 chat and everyone stays out of WM.

Horde side, you talk about a camped FP in /1, and half the zone will go to that FP to get some.

Thatā€™s the difference. Right there. Thatā€™s the WHOLE difference.

With the weekly quest, however, you have raid-sized packs of us roving for the 25. Horde will have no doubt noticed that on Monday - Wednesday, itā€™s open season, but we calm down and they donā€™t have to deal with 35 Allies in one place except during assaults. Right?

Hereā€™s the thing: If you hate PvP, turn it off. End of issue. I think itā€™s absurd we get heroic raid level gear each week that is not available to the other faction. Itā€™s really out of hand.


server doesnā€™t matter, itā€™s the wm shard your on that does, which is ā€œsupposedā€ to have the same amount of horde and alliance on it at any given time.

So because it didnā€™t happen to you it didnā€™t happen.

Or May be just maybe youā€™re an isolated incident. I know that even noe when Iā€™m in war mode I tend to ignore players below 120 unless they actively engage in PvP.

AKA ā€œI donā€™t understand how Warmode works.ā€

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I can say I leveled 3 120 alliance on proudmoore, and never had an issue, think I got ganked maybe twice on each one. Iā€™ve seen more raids of alliance since they instituted this quest then I ever saw horde use.

Isnā€™t proudmoore like alliqnce stacked though?

yes, it is, but again, with how WM works, thatā€™s not ā€œsupposedā€ to matter.

I didnā€™t say that and you KNOW I didnā€™t. If you just wanna marinate in angst over this, fineā€¦but I didnā€™t say that. At all.

In fact, I said the opposite.

Iā€™m not an isolated incident. I was being kind. We have discussed this at length with people we play with (all Alliance). None of us on three separate server groups and four separate servers experienced Horde Zerg that even approached what the people on the forums were crying about for the first third of this expansion.

Wierd because for the most part it shards you to server first.

I know for the most part I only see people from my server trio

Well I definitely watched my friends talk about horde death squads all the time.

If people where complaining because horde raids where killing them on HORDE dominated servers, and wm was really stacking you based on your server first, and blizzard listened to them, then this company has no clue wth there doing to begin with. At All.

Assuming that WM was actually screwing people over like that. Not to mention that I guarantee you alliance would be doing the same thing on the servers they dominated.

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a ā€œhorde death squadā€ could be 3 people to a solo player, so that says nothing.

Except even blizzard was talking about the lack of alliance players in warmode. As were horde.

They were talking about full on raid groups.

Two of my alliance buddies (and I, myself, before switching servers to be with friends) share a battle group with Tichondrius. That is my old Horde home from back in the day (Loolie, level 90 holy priestā€¦wassup, Tich?!). It is Horde-heavy and the Horde on Tich are extremely aggressive in WPvP. They are also reputed to have a high percentage of well-geared Horde players over the course of many expansions. I saw a lot of Tich tags and got ganked by a lot of Tich tags, but only in the context of normal, non-disruptive, non-grief WPvP.

The difference, again, is that Alliance players are far, far more apt to view WPvP as a nuisance, as something unkind, or as something un-fun than Horde players do, in general.

So itā€™s a problem for Alliance players to find their questing disrupted for an hour. Itā€™s perception. I totally and 100% believe you and your friends have stories and valid experiences with actual jerks who actually camped to the point of grieving.

MY point is that I donā€™t believe those experiences were universalā€¦because in my sample group, we didnā€™t see or deal with or have to work around any of that.

ANDā€¦giving us heroic quality raid gear as a bribe to turn on a game feature that clearly more than half of us donā€™t wantā€¦is ludicrous. The 30% buff buffet is enough. The gear that the Horde doesnā€™t have access to is too much. Itā€™s bad. It needs to go.


Omg 1k posts of pure salty tears!!! Iā€™m in heavenā€¦Iā€™m in heaven!!!

thatā€™s the same as having a lack of alliance players in BGā€™s, which weā€™ve known about for how long now. I mean, honestly, how does blizzard miss these blatently obvious clues?

Well maybe blizz should balance racials. And then give all those horde that started as alliance free transfers back.

Among other things.