Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

tell me how it is fair for 1 faction to get 400item lvl and other faction doesnot? give me 1 point telling its fair

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Blizzard has either been unbelievably lazy this expansion or unbelievably inept.

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Tell me how it was fair horde got access to warfronts first.
Tell me how itā€™s fair 89% of the top guilds are horde.
Tell me how itā€™s fair 55% of all players are horde?

Have you ever equated in the fact that people have alts?

25 kills? Some people earn 125 kills. And not everyone does it on just Tuesday. It is definitely adding more Alliance in Warmode, thatā€™s simply a fact.

Fact is horde chased alliance out of war mode and then asked blizzard to get alliance to come back.

Blizzard gave alliance incentive to come back.

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No that means you 100%earned it. Thatā€™s where that level gear should come from.

According to Blizzard Warmode ā€œearnsā€ me a 400 piece every week.

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did we ask for warfronts first? NO
Top guild are on horde because they moved out from alliance. you know why? I think you doā€¦
idk what to tell you for ur last question m8 thats the game the horde got funny and cooler classes and cities tbh

Warfronts are kinda moot point and are not worth bringing up, since your still going to have access to Darkshores ilvl 400 pc before horde does. so they even out. What people are complaining about is a free pc of ilvl 400 gear that horde have no equivalent way of acquiring at the present time.

and I have both a horde and an alliance toon I played, and I still think the quest is completely unfair, and they should have stopped at the 30% WQ and EXP rewards, since even that, through azurite, unbalances the game in favor of the alliance, which no one has even brought up.

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Finding an alliance dominated shard isnā€™t work Iā€™m sorry. Neither is queuing randoms or LFR which is why they do and should offer lower gear.

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Be cause racials. Obviously. You complain about the one advantage alliance has and ignore all the advantages your own faction has

Thatā€™s a nice opinion, :+1:

Unfortunately itā€™s just an opinion.

Know why that piece of gear exists? Because horde chased alliance out of warmode and then asked blizzard to get them to come back.

Blizzard succeeded.

thank you for telling me I didnot knowā€¦ just like you got 30% buff WM you can get better racials from cryingā€¦ just try harder alliance

Someone doesnā€™t know the definition of ā€œfreeā€.

Yes, we can debate the appropriateness of the reward, but a little less hyperbole would also be appropriate. :slight_smile:

To be completely fair, Iā€™m a little surprised that the Alliance buff is still 30%. Anecdotally, Iā€™ve been seeing a lot more Alliance with war mode on during the past few weeks.

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Weā€™ve been pointing out imbalanced racials for years. Blizzard still hasnā€™t fixed them.
40% of all dps specs have one race as the best race in the game for them.

Ok, this has been confusing me for a bit, so we have orc AP racial, new orc crappy racial, Nightborn ok racial, and recently nerfed to hell troll racial, and then blood elf racial which was insane for current content.

Allaince have had Human diplomacy and every man for himself, which has been insane for how many expansions now? Dark Iron Dwarf racial which is better then any single racial horde has in most situations, esp pvp, nightelf racial, which is what, free death prevention on raid wipes, use to be anyhow, not sure anymore, void elf racial, which is amazing for spell casters and rogues in a more limited sense, I think you got shafted on dwarves, and I have no idea what gnome racial are since Iā€™ve never had a desire to play one. I mean, I could see complaining about blood elves, and I agree I have no idea what blizzard was thinking, but the rest doesnā€™t even matter that much.

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The only ones who chased Alliance out are Alliance. Unless you saying Horde literally went door to door and forced WM off on you.

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Itā€™s been said here numerous times, but an asinine comment like that deserves the answer repeated: yes Horde racials are better, no they do not make enough difference for the 99.9% of the playerbase (those not racing to mythic world firsts) to matter. Lame rational is lame. Itā€™s hilarious how Alliance are constantly crying ā€œHorde biasā€ but when the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly itā€™s ā€œallā€™s fairā€ and ā€œweā€™re owed this.ā€ #alliancehypocrisy


At first I saw Horde getting swarmed at flight points of popular emissary quests but now I see more Horde unflagging from PVP. Horde grouping and fighting back would be great as PVP battles can be great fun for a while but Iā€™m just seeing far more blue than green. Guess it ā€œjust isnā€™t worth itā€ for the Horde at the moment, or so it seems.

Just looked it up and our server is 77.8% horde. Sad that the horde wonā€™t simply fight back.