Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Arcane torrent existed at the same time as EMFH. Nobody talked about it until EMFH took a hit. People will always go to the next racial down the list and will continue to do so until theyre all worthless


This stuff is rich. Is anyone foolish enough to take this guy seriously :rofl:

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Canā€™t wait for next Tuesday reset for another round of QQing from horde.


Not something really thought aboutā€¦ again

Working as intended

Ummm, thatā€™s what actually happening, so not sure what you mean? Alliance are/where sitting at the tortollian quest points farming solo horde trying to do quest for free gear? Why would I laugh at someone telling it like it is?


I live near the Great Salt Lake and I think that I can find more sodium chloride here than that place.


Because we camp too. Its not an alliance only thing

Because despite how silly you believe it is, that my friend is world PvP.

What? You donā€™t think Flight paths werenā€™t camped in vanilla? :wink:

Handing gear to one faction, that is better gear than those who put the time in to cap CP each week, is kind of a problem.

Maybr If for 6 + years all the top guilds from alliance hadnā€™t transfered horde that would help. But racials have been horde favored for so long that most top end guilds have changed to horde.

we not crying. we poition out whats fair and not fair you got 30% boost ok YOUR WELCOME ALLIANCEā€¦ but 400item quests every week or whatever is not fair

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Iā€™m not saying it wasnā€™t, but considering that all there doing is getting 25 kills them immediately turning WM off, kinda defeats the purpose of the reward to begin with?

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So having access to far more of the top end players in the game doesnt give you an advantage. Yeah. Okay.

How so?

If I earn a 400 piece in a raid and Mythic, and decide to stop raiding till next week does that mean I didnā€™t earn that said piece?

Where in the rules does it say I need to keep doing stuff for something I already earned?

Not really. Most people arent raiding for world first so its not like the top end players are looking for what the majority are offering

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thats not excuse

In that case you shouldnā€™t have chased all the alliance out of warmode and then asked blizzard to get them to turn it on.

If the purpose of the quest, as stated, was to get more alliance in WM to even out numbers between factions, then having alliance turn on WM for 30 minutes? defeats the intended purpose of the quest.

I mean, Iā€™m letting my subscription lapse, and decided to stop playing over it, new raid or not. Feels a bit to much like promoting some form of racisim to me. Although, that might be a bit extreme in the thought process maybe racism without all the negative coronations.

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Okay in that case Iā€™m going to set up a 40v40 with you and 39 casual players.
Youā€™ll play against method.
Seem fair?