Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

What the crap are you even rambling on about, I never said anything about changing my opinion on it.

Yet I could do this quest each week and have gear of a heroic raider. Not gonna do that though because I donā€™t take handouts

You donā€™t like it? go faction change to alliance. they are truly the minority. the faction is dying so hard. they had to do something super OP.

Maybe because itā€™s not for the entire playerbase unless youā€™re Alliance? =D

THATā€™S why itā€™s a bother to people so much. If it were the shoe on the other foot it would bother Alliance players too and you canā€™t even pretend it wouldnā€™t.

Good for you, i care why? Guess what tho, while they are ā€œfree handoutsā€ just know that gear doesnt make you a good player. Iā€™ve seen people with high ilvl and they have bad damage.

It doesnt bother me at all. Lots of horde complaining that we get first 400 ilvl warfront blah blah yet HORDE got the first warfront at the start of the expansion. So horde need to suck it up.

Blizzard sees more than anecdotal evidence. They see the actual participation numbers.

Well im 383 bags, and i got a 385 from my emissary so youā€™re wrong there. And ok well lets just figure out how long it takes for the average person to get heroic BOD equipped aight? Itā€™s gonna take longer than a week. So, here we are, you are wrong.

Thatā€™s not an excuse for why Devs did what they did with this. Lmfao! We call it opportunity and generally in games like an MMO they do try to make it equal. You donā€™t have to be good or bad at something to have a fair chance at it.

So? Thereā€™s other ways to increase participation numbers. All this is gonna do is get Alliance to turn WM on, do quest, then turn it off until next week.

This isnā€™t about the warfront. Did you not actually read the thread?

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You want the quest? Get the Horde population to turn off Warmode long enough to receive the bonus next week. Then Horde will be the ones getting the free item.

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Are you being intentionally thick?

Yep just waiting for darkshore to come out with 400 ilvl so we can see you on those posts whining as well.
Its also the same thing since you have been whining about ā€œfree handoutsā€ ā€œFree heroic gearā€ Warfront is the same thing. All you do is tag the world boss and use a seal and boom instant 400 gear. So tell me how its not the same?

I understand that only alliance get this weekly quest but like horde told me at the start of the expansion, ā€œIf you dont like it, faction changeā€ ā€œTurn off warmodeā€

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The Alliance is waiting for youā€¦

How? We tried the non-incentive mode with persistent PvP servers. World PvP died because players couldnā€™t be bothered by the hassle of it and server transferred to faction dominated servers.

Remove the incentive, and weā€™d end up with Horde owning Warmode and getting the benefits of faster leveling and the 10% buff all to themselves.

Wait, thatā€™s exactly what happened before the increased buff.

If we reject an incentive based approach, the only other option left is to gate how players can enter Warmode at any given time. Which would lead to situations of hardly anyone getting into Warmode if one faction only participates in low numbers. Weā€™d have Warmode queues and little to no world PvP at all.

The fact of the matter is this is an overblown issue. Thereā€™s multiple avenues to gear up and one piece of gear for incentivizing PvP is not going to break the game.


Lookā€¦ blizzard needs your moneyā€¦ so they put the bait in place to make money from faction changesā€¦ Dont blame allianceā€¦ blame the game.

1000th post.

Dam you win! See you at 2000

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I like how horde always dismiss their racials, but always bring up human racial during wod.

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Funny because this thread is full of horde crying. Iā€™m just pointing out that itā€™s not all sunshine and rainbows

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