Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Been try to get bracers in my lock since I got some 3 months ago :frowning: 345 weighing her down.

Look amigo. My point is not invalid because you thought there was a quicker way to gear.

My point still stands. A faction is getting overpowered gear handed to it, when it shouldn’t be. Literally that is the point I’m making.

People are going to take advantage of this because this is an MMO and people will DIVE on advantages to get ahead.

I’m not defending the gear. I’m annoyed Blizzard has not learned anything from the Warfront fiasco.

My entire reply centered on that it is ironic that horde people are complaining now after they told the alliance to “suck it up” when they got welfare epics. That’s it. But if you want to keep doing this back and forth, I will gladly oblige. I just want you to know that there is absolutely nothing you can say that is going to change my mind on seeing the irony here.

If they remove the gear I would be soooo mad

Wrong. They adjusted ilvls from emissaries. Incursions also give you 400 as soon as you get close that ilvl yourself but whatever if you wanna delude yourself you’re free to. Warfronts also give you a mythic level piece and don’t forget the weekly heroic from the Tortollan.

As someone who plays both factions, I can only laugh at how ridiculous you all look.

Please please, it’s wonderful entertainment. Do not stop! :popcorn:

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Just do what this guy did as Horde, turn it off and if enough turn it off then you will get the piece of gear next week.

The Alliance will probably turn it off for the following week so then we will have alternating weeks of 400 gear. I mean yeah WPVP will suffer but it already was dead before the 25 kill quest and 30% so everybody should be happy then.

Neither faction should get this gear for just turning WM on and killing 25 players. What don’t you get?

Forcing a faction to do WPvP with this kind of imbalance is pathetic.

We have the worst developers out there no offense.

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What don’t you get? The devs tried to address complaints about a lack of alliance in warmode and put out a carrot of an increased buff, and even adding a new shiny quest for it. Warmode shouldn’t have had any rewards/buffs to it in the first place, the 10% buff it had to begin with is where this whole problem began.

10% buff to resources is one thing, an actual heroic raid level of gear is a whole other.

Well I have repeatedly said that they should take it out so nice jumping to conclusions there. :ok_hand:

Except that gear is part of a quest designed to try and encourage people to engage in warmode at max level. You still have a system that’s broken at the roots.

Obviously not during wod when alliance had the trinket racial.

We get it, you’re a horde player. Why does it bother you so much? You have no raid experience. Who cares if someone gets a free 400 ilvl. In a few weeks, a 400ilvl is gonna be easy to get.

Turn off warmode. Stop feeding them kills. Make absolutely sure zero alliance get this quest done.

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Arena gear is capped at 385 this week but alliance welfare gear is 400 lol the devs are a complete joke.


So rather than sticking to your guns, you give in. Forgive me if I didn’t read your other posts

True. Why bother raiding for 8 hours a week when you can get free gear from wpvp.

It’s generous to call what Alliance does world pvp. Getting massive groups together, and camping flight paths until you finish your quest, then immediately running away and turning off WM, isn’t world PVP.


Why the hell is this still a thing? I play both Horde and Alliance but why is this even necessary?