Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

The ones not in the game? So busted

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It’s not comparable at all. Alliance got warfronts, there was just a min ilvl attached which was easy to get to anyway. This is literally handing out heroic gear each week for killing 25 players with WM on. Doesn’t get more hand holding than that.

Just saw 5 posters who got this done in no time. Some shards favor horde, some favor alliance.

No. This is what the community wanted, because you get the same ilvl from WQs and emissaries. At least this requires PvP which is arguably more difficult. Warfronts as well.

Catch up gear has been in the game since WotLK. Don’t kid yourself.

Oh? Please, do tell where I can farm this “never ending supply of ilvl 400 gear” because personally I’m seeing a one-time-only completion quest. :slight_smile:

The ones that eventually and inevitably be in the game, yes.

Add to that that the Alliance gets literal welfare epics handed to them by Blizzard because they whined loudly for it.

Bunch of old people complaining about what the game’s been like for many expansions. Sad!

maybe so. maybe not

That’s nice.

I’d still rather pour a bucket of salt water over my computer than turn on the gimmick for gear.

It’s a weekly quest.

Warmode is now off on all my characters. I put up with raid groups camping, but I’m not feeding the alliance OP gear for no effort.


more like, “maybe so, maybe so.” I guarantee it goes live as is and gets nerfed later down the line.

I kinda hope it does. Would be a good payment for this fiasco

ikr it’s such a trainwreck, and next expansion all classes are gonna crash in DPS and overall performance due to azerite removal.

huh maybe ill bother turning it on… join a raid group… complete it then turn it off again.

This is NOT what the community wanted as is evidenced by the thread. You DO NOT get 400 gear from WQ and you get 385 from emissaries. Come again? Pvp more difficult? That’s a joke. Me thinks you are trying to fool people into thinking getting 25 kills in pvp is hard. It’s not and everyone knows it. Follow the big group is all ya gotta do.


Turned off mine as well.

At least we can agree on that!

@Juga it’s 375 Weapon btw for Conquest reward. Hope to see you this week so we can group up and get at it! :kissing_heart:

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Ah that’s right. First reward was 345 weapon, so makes sense. So 2nd week will be 385. And sounds good, I’ll be on at some point for BGs.