Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

We’ve been telling horde that if they are going to cry about pvp when they have warmode on, they can turn warmode off.

How can you go hours without getting it when your lfg is probably full of groups lol. And again the warfront gearing system is both sides don’t know how alliance use this as an arguement which isn’t weekly…


There’s no “psych 101 stuff” to consider. An imbalanced horde racial led to the most competitive players feeling they had to switch to horde. This was a self-perpetuating tide because as momentum moved it meant more players had to transfer to have access to the top guilds.

The racial’s long since been fixed, but the center of gravity for that player community is still horde and it’s impacts are none-to-subtle when you look at either mythic progression or even pugs available in LFG in non-trivial content difficulties.

What would be an interesting paper is just how powerful the trickle down effects from that (i.e., even in the most casual of activities, having a better chance of being grouped with better geared, better prepared, more able players) are.

I don’t care about this dumb quest but I do think it’s past time that Blizzard admit they have screwed up the faction system and take drastic action to fix it. If there’s nothing clever out there, they should scrap it altogether to reunite the player base.


Oh really? That’s odd. I got a cloak too and so did another guildy.

I got a bracer.

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Kk, cool. Thanks!

Imagine the Alliance tears if horde got an easy 400 for WM on. I get people are mad about faction imbalance, but think about what is going on realistically. Put your Alliance bias aside for a moment.

Sorry I cannot quote for context because I am in the car using voice to text at the moment, but I really wonder if the racial in balance was that powerful. I remember from day one back into thousand five and six… Sorry I am getting really terrible typos hope you can understand this… The horde outnumbered the alliance in the world PVP scenarios.

Sorry I cannot quote for context because I am in the car using voice to text at the moment, but I really wonder if the racial imbalance was that powerful. I remember from day one back in 2005 and six… Sorry I am getting really terrible typos hope you can understand this… The horde outnumbered the alliance in world PVP scenarios.

People who raid and would be willing to change servers for a raid advantage never constituted a huge portion of the population, unless I am very much mistaken. I really think it has to do with the basic personality of a game or who would choose the horde over the alliance in the overall aggregate. There are exceptions, of course, and there are people who play one faction or other for different reasons, but on the whole, it only seems logical that the key thing makes a person gravitate toward one faction or another would be based in their core personality when gaming.

That said, it is purely conjecture on my part, and you could be 100% correct. I would also love to see a study on how long an effect like you mentioned would cause drastic changes in the player populations

Like you, I think the gear reward is absolutely ridiculous, and though the quest is kind of a cool perk, I would like blizzard to focus more on fixing the faction system instead of bribes that only so discontent

If you made it through that her Renda’s wall of voice to text mistakes, I salute you

Incredibly ironic when many members of the horde were telling the alliance to “suck it up” when the original warfront fiasco happened.

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That was guaranteed to switch sides. This isn’t. And this will be a weekly quest of HEROIC raid level gear for not even doing a heroic raid or even an LFR for that matter

That’s because it was balanced, and entirely based on active participation.

Now? The Alliance gets free goodies and welfare epics because you lot whined incessantly. They can turn on Warmode, get in a group, get raid loot, and then turn it off.

But, no, Blizzard totally loves the Horde more. Hypocritical Alliance players have never looked more disgusting or entitled.

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You are so blind lol. What has warfront gear got to do with the weekly welfare gear for warmode. You do realize this is stupidly busted…

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No it wasn’t. Blizzard killed the welfare epics before the Alliance received the opportunity to pound the warfront into the ground.

This is easily one of the most comparable situations to what happened originally. It’s literally an eye for an eye.

Balanced? On what? Afking in an instance? We are all delusional here.

Blizzard has learned nothing from the original Warfront Fiasco. Now it’s the horde’s turn to be left in the dust.

All this bickering amongst ourselves solves nothing. This is Blizzard’s fault. Don’t get mad at alliance players. They’re going to get their 400s just like Horde alts got their welfare epics

Nothing’s as busted as the Zandalari racials

Why do you complain about welfare epics NOW? Who cares, gear doesn’t matter anymore.

Despite this incentive, the practical effect of this is Blizzard probably still sees shards with an average of 12 Horde and 4 Alliance in Warmode.

And those 4 Alliance are quickly dead.

That single piece of gear is not going to make a difference in the PvP outcome as long participation balance continues to favor the Horde.

This is not some loot you get from Mythic 0s this is heroic tier loot and on day one of a raid tier. There is a huge difference.


So, to get a 30% bonus and a ilvl 400 loot, horde players should turn off warmode and hope the buff swing in the other direction at next reset ?

That’s some great game design, I’m glad I’m paying $15/month for this.


From personal experience I’d imagine, considering it’s true.

The welfare epics were ilvl 340 and if you weren’t a lazy player people already had that from regular mythics. Yes it was good for alts but honestly how many people had alts that early in the xpac. It was also quicker to gear through the dungeons so your point is just invalid.

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