Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

I agree with this so much. I play a spriest and I hate the fact that so many gameplay altering features are locked behind Warmode. I love the abilities but I hate warmode with a passion. I think the % increase should be there for those that want it but locking abilities behind it was a terrible idea.

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Seize the means of gear progression!!!

To be fair Iā€™ve mercā€™ed for them in pvpā€¦

They need all the help they can get.

I donā€™t see why it matters to much. Not like it will throw off the mythic world first since the alliance hasnā€™t been able to pull a world first off since cata.

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This is a dumb quest that shouldnā€™t be in the game period. Arranging for 25 horde to get ambushed and insta-killed because they were unlucky enough to arrive on the wrong flight path is not fun for either side.

That said, the fact this has still never swung to the alliance side, shows how deeply unbalanced the game is against alliance, a disadvantage that plays out in countless ways both subtle and large.

Ultimately a knowing player faced with Horde having a large preponderance of the competitive / good player community, vs alliance getting a free piece each week, would probably still choose Horde.

400 is huge. Like I said, those players who only cap cp through BGs or low rated pvp, are capped at 385 gear. So youā€™re telling me one faction of casuals getting 400 gear is okay?

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hey idiot, the 30% applies to artifact power, for your heart of azeroth, guess you didnt think of that did you? yah know, the piece of gear with a level requirement to unlocked the traits on your gear. yah know, the one weā€™ve all been mindlessly grinding for months. yea that 30% works towards that. do the math snowflake.

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You have a lot of misplaced anger.

true but it still creates a huge chain reaction of gear-sharing and its not fair to the other side who have people that have been grinding for weeks and weeks.

im not a therapist or a counselor, do you think i enjoy arguing with you narrow minded salty alliance dogs??? you people are very ignorant. atleast 10 alliance today think that horde grinding 340 warfront gear is the same as this 400 piece right when season 2 starts.

This is not for Alliance exclusively. Next week it could be a quest for horde only. Also, due to horde tears, kills while in a raid team do not qualify now.

Clearly you havenā€™t read my posts. Itā€™s ok.

BEHOLD! Horde bias! Itā€™s just not fair to the Alliance that the Horde doesnā€™t get a quest that gives them free raid gear and extra money!

Sarcasm aside, I just saw an army of 30-40 Alliance butchering everyone in the Port of Zandalar and taking it over, for the last ten minutes. Yes, we totally outnumber them! What a joke. And guess what the reaction from other Horde players was? They didnā€™t care. Why? Because we donā€™t get free welfare goodies from Blizzard like the Alliance do.

But, no, Blizzard is sooo biased for the Hordeā€¦

But you know thatā€™s not gonna happen, right? What will likely happen is a bunch of Alliance turning on warmode, completing the quest, then turning it back off as they have been doing all expansion.

Noā€¦those are not advantages. Those are players with a different mentality toward the game that manifests in both their choice of faction and their chosen use of time in the game.

Advantages are extra loot quests like the one we get every single week for spending 10 minutes riding around looking for WPvP. My people and I spent years on the Horde side. We raid. We like to kill other players. We donā€™t camp flight points or sit in Aromā€™s for an hour picking off one hordelet at a time.

And when/if the only advantage in this scenario switches back to Horde from our side, we will not cry about it. We will still spend chunks of time hunting down WPvP. Right now, we have an ADVANTAGE, which is the free crap we get that the Horde does not for doing the same content (killing other players).

Slightly more than half of the players are Horde (hardly surprising when you look at the human demographic of the player baseā€¦mostly young males). The people who choose Horde gravitate toward more aggressive and progressive gameplay. Iā€™m sure there is some really cool psych 101 stuff that could be dug into, and Iā€™d love to read the abstract on that study.

But it isnā€™t an advantage. It is a relatively level playing field, but the Horde team chooses to play with a far more aggressive (and voluntary) strategy.

People who want to play fierce looking trolls and orcsā€¦not really a shocker that they play harder than people who want to be pretty elves and funny gnomes. Itā€™s about player personalities in the macro.


Itā€™s okay guys, remember; last raid Horde got free 370 release week. and that was something you canā€™t lose at, this is something you can lose at and go hours without getting.

This is something you can shard hop for. Letā€™s be real.

Itā€™s almost like I reference that in the post in the form of Azerite, where I state itā€™s faster to do islands for azerite.

Did it on three charactersā€¦all 3 just got a lame cloak.

Yeah, honestly all I remember seeing after launch was how many alliance were complaining about the Horde ganging up on them in WM. Itā€™s interesting to see it spun around but the reality is that the imbalance is big enough (I think) that the Horde should still have the superior numbers.