Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Unless the Horde received that 10%. But I do agree slightly with you, bit too easy of a quest.

They say it’s 30 ilvls higher, so I’m assuming 385 non rated. Logging in soon myself.

Clearly my point is over your head. This isn’t a faction debate, it’s a gear handout for anyone, whether Horde or Alliance. WM should not be offering raid level gear just for killing 25 players.

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Yes, you will. Stop turning Warmode on. Simple as that.

ooo touché

I’m very happy - maybe this can stop the Alliance tears
 even for just a day or two?

They NEED this, they REALLY do. So let them have it.

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I guess having about 200 thousand Horde opt out of Warmode is simple.

Yeah, create a post about it. Tell your friends that don’t read the forums, have them spread the word.

Do you simply complain about everything or at least try in that.

Agreed. Part of the reason i find bfa so boring is that honestly you just get gear thrown at you to the point it just doesn’t feel good nor do you ever really get an appropiate upgrade for anything, feels lazy

I better be seeing 90% Alliance BG wins since some Alliance blamed that one week Horde got warfronts first on Horde wins. Either way 400 ilvl gear every week, for anyone, is bad design.


Are you being stupid on purpose?


No, but I do think you’re.

Look at his gear, he’s gonna benefit from it. Ofc he wants to pretend nothing is wrong with low effort gear handed out.

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All I see is a bunch of Horde whining about how broken unfair it is that they have Warmode turned on but Alliance won’t turn it on, because nobody wants to play when they are outnumbered 20 to 1.

All I see is a bunch of Horde whining about how broken unfair it is when Blizzard tries to provide extra incentive for Alliance to turn it on, because of how much Horde whined about it.

All I see is a bunch of Horde whining because they don’t understand what the word “Free” actually means.

All I see is a bunch of Horde mysteriously silent when it comes to offering up any kind of solution to provide incentive for Alliance to turn Warmode on, without actually giving them incentive to do so.

Blizzard can remove the extra bonus and weekly reward for all I care. It is not some free handout. Take it away, I really don’t care. But I won’t have Warmode turned on, and then you can go back to crying about that again.

All I see is a bunch of Horde claiming Alliance are the whiny entitled players, but the only ones I hear whining are the Horde.

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While I love the Horde QQ I do think it’s a mistake giveing away another ilvl 400 item every weak. It should be at 385 at the highest.


Many PvP servers had been so dominated by the Horde that they had become practically one-faction servers only. That imbalance carried over into Warmode.

The difference now is that Warmode allows Blizzard to address this imbalance.

So, do Horde PvPers want the other faction to participate or not? Do they want world PvP with opponents of similar strength in gear and numbers or not?

What I see are mostly complaints that a potential advantage might be taken away. Because as long as one faction dominates Warmode, they will continue to reap its benefits in greater magnitude than the other side even if that other side has the larger buff.

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No. It shouldn’t be gear period. Both factions have warfronts and world bosses to get gear from.

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So make it that once Warmode is turned on its on for the week. That will stop the quick “free” gear on Tuesdays. Then the metrics can be collected. Lulz

It’s Darkshore that gives 400 not Stromgarde.

clearly you also seem to enjoy not understanding topics too because this one is way over your head.

That’s a yes then

All I see is baby boo-boo butthurt Alliance players trying desperately to keep thier free gear chain intact.