Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Learn to LFG buddy. Just because you’re clueless doesn’t mean we’re not seeing it.

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Shard hop until you find an Alliance dominated one and there you go. Easy quest done. Meanwhile, anyone putting time in capping points through doing BGs will be getting 385 gear. You don’t see anything wrong here?

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Well you guys complained about the lack of open world pvp literally for years. Now you got it.

Enjoy lol


I don’t PvP. This reward will not get me to PvP.

Nobody wanted incentive driven World PvP.

Turn it off.

No, I am being serious - turn it off so that you have Horde less represented. Maybe then when it switches next week you can all just Shhh.

No… no we didn’t get it. It is not PVP, when 30 or 40 alliance camp a flight path or tortollan quest, and then run away the SECOND you get enough people together to beat them. THEN spend the rest of the week hiding in carebear mode after collecting their loot.

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Aww, someone angry. Do you want a cuddle toy?

Again, 400 ilvl gear being handed out no matter what faction, is bad.


Aww, do you want more free gear?

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Okay, but they can flip it in their favor instead of whining, like it’s going to do something.

I have not signed in yet but what is the reward now with a fresh season and new cap? As you probably know, I have not played Shad here in a few months, but thinking of making a return since it’s a fresh season. Ty for info :}

I don’t care for Warmode, if I did I’d of have it already. Try again =D

Point is going over your head

No, it’s not. People are complaining that they get Heroic Raid level gear.

Point is just stupid when it’s easily changeable to their side.

And you’re here why exactly?

Handouts for no effort aren’t good for either faction.


Because I can be here. I love the whining.

No… no it’s not easily changeable to our side.

If i had the power to turn off every member of the Hordes warmode. I would. Right now.

Not one alliance would get a single kill towards this quest until Blizzard hot fix removes it.

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If it was so “easy” to flip it around, then why did they have to offer the Alliance a 30% bonus to azerite power and free ilvl 400 loot every week to get them to turn it on?
Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you buddy?


Blizzard’s metric was 60% Horde 40% Alliance, unless we get concrete numbers we aren’t going to swap that to 40% Horde 60% Alliance anytime soon.