Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

I’m a casual. I cap points every week doing BGs, and earn gear that way. Someone like me should not be rewarded 400 gear until I make my way through the conquest system, and definitely not the first week seasons come out.

Clearly you’re so mad you go for insults and petty downplaying rather than having a conversation. I see what the conversation is about - I just don’t care because Warmode has nothing to do with me.

Don’t like it, turn your Warmode off for the week and hope it switches =]

Yes- a single piece of ilvl 400 gear will now result in 90% alliance BG wins… give me a break. If anything, because most (about 70%) of players that are 6/8M+ are Horde, this is just catching Alliance up, not giving them an clear advantage…

Then I guess you’re as well =D. Cry

Just think of everything Blizzard had to give to try to even things out.

  • Exp bonus

  • quest with rewards and gear

  • Blizzard even gave Alliance Blood Elves uh I mean Void Elves to try to even the factions out (I mean it worked for Horde in BC)

None of these have evened out the factions so I dont think they ever will be close to even

Its clear you dont know how this works

The debuff goes away the second you tap an ability. If you want to be worth no honor sit there and die.

There should never have been benefits in the first place

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Guess the alliance needs every advantage they can get to stand up to the horde.

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Shouldn’t go away if you mount, so unless you touch abilities offensively you should be fine.

That’s what some Alliance blamed Horde wins on. Why wouldn’t it work the opposite, especially after a month of free 400 gear (and yes, it’s free)

So where is all of the Horde bias I keep hearing about?


Gear doesn’t mean anything if the holder is a good player.

I agree with this. I never disagreed and if you’ve gone into my past post, I’ve said this. =]

Not really holding hands. their is less than 2000 120s on my server compared to 20k horde.

Yet all player who hopped on horde side so there life is easier. The real hard core player stayed on alliance.

Here is an idea for all those hordies that are complaining that its not fair. Pop your horde toon to alliance and balance the servers. Blizz would not care if this issue was self solved. Less coding time try to fix a problem players caused.

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Every single flight path in Zuldazar on area52 is being camped by alliance raids


Games not server wide anymore…

What is sharding.

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It’s sad when the faction war is more interesting on the forums than in the game. That said, gear raining from the skies cause “reasons”, is bad for the overall gaming experience.

If they want to lure more Alliance with a 30 to 10% buff fine, but a quest offering a piece of gear should rotate or be able to be gotten for both sides.


Except the benefits have been enjoyed by those one-faction dominated servers for years and those benefits then carried over into Warmode due to those imbalances. They’re still on-going despite the increased buff.

So, do you want participation from both factions in open world PvP in similar strength, or should it just always fall to one faction regardless?