Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Lol go ahead, there’s so many Horde that won’t that all you’ll do is just balance out war mode for everyone else. All you’ll be doing is exactly what Blizzard is trying to do with this quest, congrats.


If alliance outnumber horde with WM on then the quest will be on the horde side in the following week.


EU already confirmed it’s Alliance only.

Not likely though, they said it would level out first, dropping percent until they’re both 10%, where both factions have no quest, then say the Horde gets lower numbers to the 30%, they would then get the quest.

It’s not a sudden change, they said so themselves.

Why do people keep calling this loot “free”? We have to kill 25 opposite faction players in order to get this. This is not free.

It’s not even “easy” enough to be considered free. The whole reason we even have the 30% buff and the weekly quest / reward is because there are a lot more Horde than there are Alliance in Warmode.

Actually, I just spent the last several hours roaming around the assault/insurgence points in Tiriguarde Sound, and not once did I even see a single Horde.

Versus yesterday when it was in Zuldazar, there were like 20 Horde for every 1 Alliance. player. I spent several hours there yesterday too, and I think I managed to get maybe 5 kill credits? And I don’t even know how many times I died. I lost count. Easily 50+. Not that yesterday even counted for the ilvl400 piece.

But overall, this is my observation. I rarely see a Horde when it’s in Kul Tiras zones, but I see all the Horde everywhere ever when it’s a Zandalar zone, and they outnumber Alliance by many.

So yeah, I’m gonna get that 400 piece, but not without a significant amount of hours and deaths throughout the course of the week put into getting that piece.

Now, I know this is just my personal experience. I know there are probably plenty of Alliance getting an easy 25 kills depending on how the stars line up. But I think that is an exception, not a rule/average.

But, I’m sure most of y’all will just gloss over this and write it off to “git gud” and keep crying about how we’re getting “free” 400 gear.


Sounds free to me, it’s guaranteed, unlike Heroic drops, and it doesn’t require a raid team.

I wonder why…

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It is pretty much “free”. Just did it with a group of randos in about 7 minutes.


if you’re ok with your faction being worse at objectively anything in the game but needing assistance to win, play a different game.

The Clippers never go to the finals… its also impossible because can’t have two teams from the same conference in the finals. And in relation to this- the warriors are even better than they were 3 years ago, because players (such as Kevin Durant) joined them while they were a top tier team for an easy ride to the finals.

Pretty much the same situation as WoW. Just go Horde and you’ll land on the positive side of the spectrum when it comes to progression, top guilds, PVP wins etc. Its about a 70% vs 30% split in favor of horde when it comes to both PVE (which faction is at least 6/8M) and PVP (which faction has the most 1800+ ratings). TY World of war graphs


Link to 21-120? Last time I checked horde were rolling us even more than 55%!

  1. The vast majority of you are getting it for semi afking at a flight path or Tortollan quest until 1 Horde shows up and you swarm him with 20+ people.
  2. Horde CAN’T get it, which means it doesn’t matter how hard it is, it’s a handout for Alliance.

That was warfronts though (I didn’t agree with gear handouts there either) This is a quest reward for just turning warmode on each week. Hardly comparable.

Yep, it’s a WM thing only. This means the majority of Alliance will turn this on to get the quest, then probably turn it off like they have been all expansion.

Not to mention this is THERE turn with the warfront rewards. They will get the higher ilvl quest AND Ivus first.

And again:

“Free” is when I get it without any work. This is not free. Maybe it is better than RNG, sure. But it is not free.

Well we all know why, obviously. And that just further strengthens my point that it’s not some free item just handed to us with no work.

Bull. I refuse to believe this at all. You make this assertion: prove it. I do not see this at all.

Again, refer to my image above. Just because Alliance gets something Horde doesn’t, doesn’t mean it’s some free handout.

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Yes, the stated reason was to give incentive to the outnumbered faction. Fact is Alliance far outnumber the Horde so the Horde should get the weekly bonus. Not the Alliance. But Alliance players are scummy human beings and game the system by doing their quests and assaults and then turning Warmode off immediately after to ensure they keep the buff. Blizzard either needs to count the number of players that play with warmode on at all the previous week or just admit that the Alliance players are scared and horrible at PvP and that they are giving their babies an advantage based off of bias like always.

I understand how you can see both sides as I do believe this is similar to what happened near launch with the initial release of the warfronts - but the primary difference is BOTH factions got to try to warfront, Horde were the ones that had a slight gear edge. In this instance I as horde can’t get any quest that will 100% give me ilvl 400 loot, it’s all RNG and chance.

You can write a 40 page disertation on why you feel you deserve ilvl 400 gear every week for free, and I will still tell you the same thing. It’s a broken system that needs to be hotfixed out.
Blizzard loves the phrase “In the spirit of fairness” and this is a prime example of where it needs to be practised.

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It’s free gear, just because it takes a bad player longer to finish, doesn’t make it not free.


This is a problem that is not being discussed. IN THIS THREAD there are people proud of the fact that they “flip flop” on WM just to get the ilvl 400 piece then turn it off. Like, wtf blizz, do your job.