Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

So then nothing will happen because of this? Cool, so it doesn’t matter then, and there’s nothing to complain about. Thanks.

Not until more Alliance opt in for Warmode. Which is likely never, since it’s been 30% the entire time, and hasn’t even dipped to 29% like they stated the system would adjust weekly for the balance.

Because they only turn on WM in numbers for incursions.

No we dont get that quest for free 400 gear

No we didn’t. Where are you making up these stories from?

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That was 1 warfront cycle, a cycle… and you could only get gear once… right now the alliance have a never ending supply of ilvl 400 gear, and they don’t even have to step foot in a raid.

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And kill the Alliance faction so no one can do anything in war mode? Yep, definitely sounds like a good idea.

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All the fotm people that went horde might come back to alliance now.

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Ha, well, then it’s gonna be even worse!

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I didn’t know FotM was something that lasted for multiple years.

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No, I see the problem, but I also see this as getting even. I wasn’t aware the horde would never get this quest. Is it exclusively tied to faction imbalance (as in if horde had fewer players, would they be getting it)?

OH and…

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Who said anything about tuning on Warmode? And no, I actually do PVP with WM off, considering most of the time, I am encountering Alliance in low level Horde towns killing off NPC’s to stop people from leveling.

We would, but that’s highly unlikely, and more apt to make players quit than swap factions.


You only get the reward IF you turn on warmode AND do the quest.
I have yet to, nor will I ever, do either. My choice.

So what you’re saying is you WILL, because no one is passing this 400 up.

Right now, on Area-52, If you are horde and have WM on, there is a full Alliance raid parked at every flight master on Zandalar.

Horde Make a stand Turn off war mode

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And that makes me warm and fuzzy how?
It’s your thang…do wot you wanna do.

It’s not a “will”, it’s an “if”. If Alliance players continue to opt in, we might get it, but there are over all more Horde players than Alliance, so it’s unlikely.