Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

One 370 gear when the current ilvl was 340 (30 ilvl difference) and infinite farm of 355 versus one piece of 400 (when the current ilvl is over 380 for almost everyone) and no farm. Hmmm.

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Once again, racials have nothing to do with faction inbalance or being a top guild or what ever. Want me to speak it in a language you can understand?

I want you to stop being deluded is what I want.


Every week

You left that part out. Fixed it for ya

ANd what you fail to grasp[ is this will cause Horde to tuen off theirs. I have started turning mine off for all invasions because it is at the point you can’t even move. War Mode off means I am not doing squat to help you get your 25. So if you look at it, it’s not going to help ANYONE. You’ll stop getting your gear and you cna keep your buff as once again, World PvP ends because Alliance need to be buffed because they avoid PvP more than Horde. We’ll just take over the BG’s and you can run around screaming “All the Horde has theiir War Mode off” and we can start the cycle where you lose the buff, we gain it and we get the loot and we can start the cycle all over again. Or Blizz can just get rid of War Mode and make PvP servers PvP servers again and Alliance can go play on their servers where there is no world PvP

Warfronts dont give better than current gear like they did originally. Everyone is already at least warfront geared. Before, everyone was maybe mythic dungeon geared and just barely over 340 while WFs gave EZ afk 355.

And you got a free heroic piece of gear the first two weeks that alli didn’t have.

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Warfronts never gave 355s.


Except in this case the Alliance are getting free ilvl 400 loot every week… just for turning on WM? in 10 weeks thats 10 pieces of ilvl 400 loot. How does your example even slightly compare to the current problem?


So horde will be behind one 400 piece. And?

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Nobody cares about your alliance spy alt anyways


Mmmm more delirious than I thought LOL

You get a weekly 400. Next week it’s two, then three, and so on. We still have zero.

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and 2 next week
3 the following week
so on and so forth.
Counting tough for you? Be sure to use both hands.

Horde turning off war mode will just make it more balanced, so okay then, good job.

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I mean, you can roll alliance too. Too much horde, what can we do.

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So you guys don’t get any 400 gear ever?

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Yeah, except I think they’re is more Alliance on the forums than in game, which means not every Horde is going to know about the Alliance recieving the free 400 and won’t turn off WM.

Alliance threw a fit over horde starting warfront first and you don’t see a problem with 400ilvl gear handed to you each week?

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Horde got a free 355 AZERITE piece (100% GUARANTEE) and the Warfront first at the start of LAST raid tier. Now that the imba is favoring the ALLIANCE there’s suddenly an issue. LOL.


Make the rest of you Alliance roll Horde :slight_smile: