Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

It’s going to reward higher gear than those who cap conquest points through random BGs (meaning winning BGs) will get.

Welp, looks like I’m goin’ Horde farmin’!



The transfer to Horde didn’t happen in BfA, racials were not always balanced, and blizzard took their sweet time dealing with troll and orc racials. So much time that it caused a lopsided raiding community that can’t be fixed by attempting to make racials balanced. The only way to get people back onto the Alliance is to incentivize them like they did, unintentionally or not, by giving the Horde the superior raiding racials for years.

Mind you, a free heroic piece isn’t going to incentivize entire raiding communities to move, but that’s neither here nor there.

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Our silence was alright, but it wasn’t the best, or let alone the top racial. And right now, it is once again, an alright racial, but not the best. Stop pointing this game on racial for the reason for people to play.

Yes it’s an advantage, just like Horde have had all this xpac. Blizz did a great job with this, no joke. This reward is so relevant, that Alliance players can’t ignore it. So many will turn Warmode on that the reward will probably be gone by next week and everyone will be happy with a balanced Warmode experience.

For top world guilds, literally any % is enough for them to justify it.

Also, lets not get off topic: Horde got unlimited afk farming of gear with warfronts in previous tier: discuss.

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I dont use top guilds to justify arguments. what the .01% does is of no concern to me

I’m gonna ignore it. But it’s still a bad move

lol. so you are telling me that it is okay that we cannot have the same opportunities you have because… why?

You just gotta know the likely targets, incursion areas, wqs for current emissaries are good areas. Unless you have local force superiority, dont hang out at the wqs unless you wanna get rolled, take your group of 5 and hang out along routes from fps to those wq and pick off individuals or small groups.

I’ve been grabbing this weekly gear quest since it started and if you use hit and run, guerrilla tactics and small concentrated strikes its fast. Or you get lucky and just roll into a mass battle and tag all you can.

Why cant you just be happy I got an upgrade before raid night or running any 10s for this week? I’d be happy if you got an upgrade

We got a single 370, you’re getting the 400 today or tomorrow, this Warmode bonus is every week. This isn’t a comparison.


They also got that 370 the following week. We’ll never get that weekly 400

A single 400 is equivalent to the single guaranteed 370 you got then… AND THEN you also got to afk farm for better than current mythic gear as well?

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My post was sarcasm, it was mocking people in this thread who think this quest will magically make more Alliance raid guilds in the top 100 or whatever. I’m happy for you, dude.

Blizzard tracks everything in-game.

They know exactly the Alliance-Horde participation balance and they know right down to the average ilevel for each faction overall.

If Warmode is still awarding a 30% buff and now an ilevel 400 piece of gear, there’s a reason behind that quest reward. Blizzard gains nothing by handing out gear to one faction only. It’s here to increase faction participation.


People who compare this to the warfront are just qlueless they are completely different. Getting one bit of gear every 2-3 weeks compared to what the alliance have now which is having the warfront gear + weekly heroic gear. Clearly there’s a massive difference it’s a shame some people are to niave to see the difference.


Your AoE silence was top tier for M+ groups through all of Legion, it gave horde groups an advantage over the Alliance, and then your AoE purge in BfA literally trivialized the Zul encounter while the Alliance had nothing similar to compensate.

You’re deluding yourself if you think Horde racials, especially bloodelf ones, are “just” alright.


Tell the Oceanic servers that

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What? Outside the 3-4 week quest the Warfront gave the equivalent to Mythic dungeons, and Mythic+ gave 355s. You get Warfronts and a weekly 400 piece.

I just did stromgarde on two different toons last night and got an iLevel 370. :slight_smile: