Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Are we to make changes in the game because of what the top .01% do? I sure hope not, they can go back to alliance right now and i wouldnt care. Their play doesnt affect me one bit

It could, if enough horde faction changed or turned off Warmode.

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So what you are saying is that because the Alliance was mean to the Blood elves in WC3, Blizzard HAD to add a new race in BC and it HAD to be because of lore from WC3?

Lore could say Blood elves join the Horde instead of the Alliance. It has no bearing on if Blizzard would decide to add Blood Elves as a playable race. Needing a pretty race would cause Blizzard to decide to add Blood Elves as a player race instead of say Ogres (which really are a part of the Horde and have been since WC2 - we just cant play them) or Pandas or Arokka.

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None of which effects you at 118! Go level sweetheart.

You’re kidding right? Killing 25 players in one week is challenging?? That’s 4 players a day for heroic gear

Sites like RealmPop are only giving estimate numbers, not actual accurate numbers.

Racials have nothing to do with it. The Horde racials aren’t even OP anyways, otherwise everyone would be rolling Troll/Tauren/Orc for the racials, not Blood Elves/Goblins/Undead

And it would still be wrong to hand out heroic lvl gear just for turning WM on

I am 120 and am raid geared sweetheart. The system is just slow catching up.

You keep saying this but I dont see proof

the alliance is well known for being mean to other factions and pushing them towards the horde.

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Their play does affect you, because they take entire communities with them. Why play Alliance when the raiding pool has moved to the Horde?

BE racial literally top simming racial for almost every class and is a silence on a stick.

Also, you’re STILL ignoring my point about horde getting free loot in previous raid tier. Were you fine with that? Did you say "wow, look at all our scrubs needing free AFK loot… for shame blizzard and horde!’

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Because the imbalance has been going on and Blizz only made it worse. They are only now offering incentives to actually be Alliance.


The system that updates hourly? Yeah, sure…go level girl.

You keep avoiding this question. Why did Blizzard add Blood Elves as a playable race over any other race from WC1, WC2, WC3 and Vanilla?

Lol Silence. What silence?

No. This is incentives to earn cheap gear by turning WM on completing quest then turning WM off. Increase the bonus to 50%, but offering high ilvl gear like that is bad.

Oh wait, you think 359 is raid geared…hahahahaha. I suppose you reallllly needed the leg up.

They recently changed it so it doesn’t silence any more, but the damage was done already. It’s still the top simming racial.

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They aren’t. SAY IT WITH ME NOW, they have to accomplish a task, which despite your blatant elitism can be difficult for some people. This is a REWARD for that task.

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By how much? what % are we talking here?