Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Again, a weekly quest for one faction negates pretty much all content. If you want heroic level gear, you should put the time into heroic raids, or getting your rating up. Or capping through the cp system every week.

So make it a 50%. Gear like that shouldn’t just be handed out no matter what faction gets it.

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LOL we didn’t have a free 10%. Alliance just didn’t want to turn it on. Even if it were true by now with the 30% buff to AP alone you guys would have caught up. Handing out heroic ilvl gear to those who wouldn’t even do raid content or rated pvp seems a bit ridiculous to begin with.


If you’re OK with zero effort heroic raid quality loot being handed out literally the same day the raid is released you’re part of the reason why this game is in such a sorry state.


Shhhh dont mention that at one time both sides had equal rewards. It triggers them


The gameplay decision to add Blood Elves has NOTHING to do with lore. Like I said, at the time a lot of people wanted Ogres and were speculated. Blizzard decided to add a new race. They chose Blood Elves. Why? because there was lore in WC3? Why not Naga then? Or Ogres? Or Pandas (which have a stronger tie to Thrall than Blood Elves in WC3 lore)

Blizzard made the decision to add Blood Elves because they wanted to give the Horde a pretty race. End of story. THey than wrote the lore to justify a player race on the Horde based on lore from WC3.

Gameplay decisions =/= lore justification

Children like having thier hand held, and they don’t like being wrong.

Wheres the proof to backup this claim? Right now written lore trumps players opinions

if you are okay with one faction totally dominating world pvp, battle grounds, and PvE progression… you are absurd and part of the bigger problem.

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OP and every other salty horde:

Remember when horde had access to the first warfront and got free gear for a whole two weeks that boosted them ahead?

Pepperridge Farm remembers…

It isn’t the Horde’s fault that there are Alliance players out there that doesn’t want to do any of that.


Exactly. 46/54 is not a huge population gap.

Are we really gonna pretend like some imbalance at top end raiding/pvp is even comparible to the ridiculous glut of high ilvl loot completely invalidating anything below mythic raiding?

Horde racials being OP is a meme. Ever look at bloodmallet? Dispellable effects during a boss fight isn’t “designing a fight around a racial” btw.

??? You do realize that the leading raid guild horde side used to be alliance, right? It’s not that the Alliance doesn’t want to participate, it’s that the players that did all faction changed for the OP racials.


Getting Heroic Gear weekly is wrong and should be fixed asap.


So lets hand alliance raid level gear for pretty much doing nothing. I’m usually pro Blizzard, but this is too far.

When we said that getting free 370 and 340 gear for a warfront you could literally afk through was wrong Alliance were jeered.

Funny, now that the shoe is on the other foot you suddenly don’t find it so funny.


Simply put, it’s because they NEED a hand out. It’s like the slow kid in class that gets moved to the leg up program. Even with free heroic gear, they will still be dominated in every sense of the word.

That switched factions… this is not going to.

It is not nothing. It is a reward for a quest, which for many can be challenging- especially if we are thrown into the wrong shard. Just calm down, stop crying, and play the game.

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I suppose every horde guild needed the farmable handouts in the previous tier, then?