Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Heard of ‘Cloak of Shadows’ my friend? Other than dispelling all harmful spells, also provides immunity for 5 seconds. Regeneratin’ heals you 100% in 4 seconds.
Maybe you should go back to school to learn what being ‘naive’ means again.

OK so not Alliance =/= Horde.

Blood Elves didnt become Horde until BC.

I am alliance and I think the is absolutely stupid.
Day one of a new raid… why even make 4 levels of raids if heroic gears are so easy to get. What is the use of normal raiding?
Heroic raid gear level should be obtainable doing… heroic raids (I know I am crazy right?)


Yes, because Bleeds and Physical damage are magical. You are being naive.

This can’t be! All I hear are alliance babies crying about Horde favortism.

I said watch the video, it has the lore reasons why Blood Elves went horde in the first place. I’m done with this discussion.

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Exactly. Or the equivalent pvp rating.


What bleed when it expires and what physical damage after vanishing and running to hide behind pillars?

Takes a perfect storm to get it off in its entirety. People who use niche circumstances really dont have great arguments.

Odds are it will be nerfed. Id rather have that KT racial in my kit

Where do you get your ‘Odds’ from? In fact, the ‘odds’ are that everything in PTR makes it’s way to retail as is, if you look at the track record.

So you’re going to LoS the enemy until the bleed expires and get a full 1% to 100% heal off, and during the entire time they won’t gap close you or just reapply the bleed? Not to mention Hunter and Warlock pets. Stop being naive.

I mean if you want to stomp your feet and pout over things not in the game then all the power to you.

Blizzard should remove that right away! WTF…


I’m hoping this is a troll post…if not holy crap. Us horde got a 340 slot machine last fall form the first warfront like 2-3 day before the min cap at 320 was put in. Let them have this.


LOL Like I said, before. WHy was the Lore written to have the Blood Elves go Horde? Lore is a man made story - there is no real history despite you saying look at the lore as though its a fact.

The writers could very easily have said the Blood elves work it out with the Alliance for reasons. They chose to keep that lore (and maybe chose to add Blood Elves over say Ogres which were rumored) because they wanted the Horde to have a pretty race. They were right, its why the Horde is now mostly Blood Elves now.

They could make it ilvl 1000, I’m still not touching WM :smiley:

I may be interested if they showed what type of gear you’d get. I’m very much over the rng, so if I could see what I’d be working towards that would give me a better incentive.

Meanwhile , on the Oceanic server. Alliance outnumber us greatly AND get that ilvl 400 quest.


No. Blizzard actually made a mistake. A bug was putting far more horde than alliance into a shard. I think it had to do with raid groups not being counted properly. As such the population in a shard was like 5 horde to 1 alliance.

As mentioned before, that experience became quite unfun so many people turned it off. With that in mind, it takes a big incentive to turn it back on and likely a 30% buff instead of 10 doesn’t quite do it.

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.Why does the lore work at all according to you? Why did they make dwarves align with the alliance? Why are the tauren with the horde? Anything can mean whatever you want if you dismiss the facts and insert your own opinions

Still will not turn on warmode. They could basically offer me a fell set of ilevel 400 gear and I would not turn it one. I hate PVP that much