Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

The 30% bonus I agree with. But 400 gear is ridiculous. That’s going to be higher than gear you get from capping conquest points each week, since the first tier will likely be 385

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WM shouldn’t give rewards at all, but blizzard decided to make the lowest form of PVP a feature for the expansion so now they have to make attempts to balance participation.

Maybe next expac they’ll learn their lesson and provide no rewards and just let people who want wpvp use warmode and not try to balance it. Just like they did with pvp servers.

Some probably did, most of them probably went Horde I’m guessing.

Thank you for making that point, a point I have made in other threads. But prepare for the SSVU to ignore you.


“If I ignore the response entirely maybe I’ll look right!”

Oh, my mistake, surely a paladin wouldn’t just Flash of Light themselves up? Or maybe that rogue will get away effectively when he’s covered in Undispellable DoTs? Stop being naive and read the actual thread.

The Bernie Sanders world tour stopped at blizzard this week.

During the last raid launch horde got a 370 for afking in warfronts which was a heroic level loot. This is more or less the same thing only you can’t afk though getting 25 player kills.

Run where in arena?

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only 1 was a 1 time thing that the alliance received immediately after

This is every week and we dont get it

You are comparing tomatoes to tractors

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But the raid drop will have the special raid azerite trait, making it better than the ‘pvp’ piece you got from the quest.

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Ok so explain it to me. Wc3 came out in 2002, Wow wasn’'t an mmo at that time. Am I missing something here?

No. This is going to be a weekly reward just to have Alliance turn WM on. It completely negates other content people actually put time into. If killing 25 players takes you long, you’re doing something wrong.

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I guess I should faction change to Alliance so I can get the gear and if they decide to change it I can faction change back to Horde.

Average Alliance, stop being naive.

It’s the same thing as over buffing classes just to make us think they are viable. Blizzard made a mistake at the start with warmode and forced the alliance out. Even though the problem is fixed, they have to change perception with gear and 30%.

That gear is the only reason my alts enable WM. If you want more alliance in WM and a chance at increased bonuses for horde, then you need to accept the gear reward because 30% alone wont do it.

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Yeah, show me where the Blood Elves joined Thrall, Voljin and Cairne in WC3.

I have to agree with this, the 30% is fine. Do I roll my eyes a bit because of the bribe? Yes, but it’s not that big of deal anyone should be screaming about it. The 400 gear is out of line. I’m pretty much a rando BG kiddie at this point in my WoW career, as it’s what keeps me entertained, however; I can tell you the non-ranked is capped at 375. Which, means that for those who are ranked, are probably capped at 385, maybe 395, idk.
Honestly, it’s too much. If they really wanted more people with this carrot, it should have been open to both. Although a 400 for something that would just be one giant cluster F, is still a bit much.


Watch the video, alliance drove blood elves out.

It was not enough turning WM on. How is that Blizzards mistake?

Idc if more Alliance or Horde are in WM. It’s not right to reward that level loot just for turning it on, which will likely be turned off after getting the gear. Neither faction should get that