Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

You are naive. You don’t listen to facts and continue to argue for only your own benefits.

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This is how nothing changes, because it doesn’t matter. Horde guilds will still win the race to first mythic completion, and nobody will move back to Alliance because 1 piece of extra heroic gear a week doesn’t address what caused the disparity in the first place.

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I am sorry, I haven’t seen your argument against my point claiming why Regeneratin’ is OP.

GLAD I DID MY M+10 LAST WEEK HAHAHAHA LUL got a piece of gear i didnt need and 60 residuum that hardly did anything, worthless, while at the same time these inexperienced salty bronzer noobs that have the brains of a monkey get a 400 piece. makes sense.

keep bringing up your garbage irrelevant arguments and points. pathetic lol!!!

I mean I feel you, it should be fair, but I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t hear much Alliance outrage about it, since there was already a huge period where Horde had OP racials way before this and I bet most of the Alliance left probably just don’t care.

Don’t listen to them my fellow dinner, apart from not knowing what a keybind is, they also don’t know how to reply properly with facts.

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Ignoring my first response is really naive of you.

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It is official, the alliance receives help from the developers.
We already know which is the weakest faction.

Read again.

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He already you replied to you and you never refuted anything he said:

Where are your “facts” in response?

Giving you why it’s not OP, then stating “Haha I already read that!”, doesn’t make you right.

Are alliance pre crying over things not even in the game?

Factions aside, no one should get 400 gear each week just for turning WM on and killing 25 players.

You still haven’t refuted anything he said.

Blizz f’ed up. They stuck far more horde into a shard than they did alliance. Unsurprising to anyone, alliance turned off warmode because constantly being ganked by raids at every WQ got old. Thus, incentives were created to try and bring back alliance.

Meanwhile, I’ll take advantage of the gear like the horde could take advantage of the free 10% bonus they had until 8.1.

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they’ll just keep making the carrot bigger until more players q warmode on ally

deal with it, the mode is completely broken until then

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I find it amazing that people cannot separate the lore reason for blood elves going Horde vs the real life reason why the decision was made to have the lore written so the Blood Elves would go to the Horde.

Nope, like I said, I highly doubt you will see very many Alliance crying over OP Horde racials when that was already a thing for a long time before this. All the people who cared Alliance side are long gone.

cared so much they quit

Still failed to read. Your attention span is very limited, I’m afraid.