Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

How hard it is to kill Horde isn’t on us. That’s up to the Horde to decide.

This has been planned and on the PTR for weeks. Why are you acting like this is a surprise?


Then you’re naive.

Giving an entire faction a weekly Heroic piece of gear is outrageous of a balance decision, and I’d be willing to say the Alliance will keep this weekly. (They’ve had it every week thus far)

You should all be thankful that I’m not this game’s dev dictator.
Because I would change all warmode quest loot to a currency, remove all EXP bonuses for everyone, and charge extra for bread.


We need a “no soup for you” draenei male voice line now.

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You’d have a point if this wasn’t a weekly and shard hopping wasn’t a thing.

Unless Horde guilds start faction changing back to Alliance this week to capitalize on the easy gear, then no, it doesn’t matter.


Your about the first Ally I agree with you Lightforged bastard.

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You mean when we got LFR gear as a fresh 120? This isn’t the same thing. The reward should have been bumped up to 385 max.

for that you get 2 lives with Zandalaris. How good is 400 gear when you can have 2 lives? Not much.

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How would it not matter? Every week the Alliance only gets a weekly for free gear, meanwhile the Horde gets nothing, just because participation is slanted? This is how you lose players.

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You are naive.


they literally got a free m+ cache this week, they are just too dumb to realize it. oh and too salty.

unfinished abilities not in the game vs gear that is… hmmm

That’s it. You have my vote for Lead Dev.

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Hordies when they don’t have an answer - “You are naive.”

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You got arathi first. Are you saying horde should get first dibs twice in a row?

As the horde told alliance when blizz actually favored horde when sharding: dont like WM? Turn it off. If enough of you turn it off, the incentives will swing.


But honestly at the same time, I personally think Horde having an OP racial doesn’t really matter at this point since the faction imbalance raid guild wise is already so huge. I doubt many Alliance really care at this point either, all the people who cared about OP Horde racials have either already left or swapped to Horde, anyway.

It totally does, when I am pvping vs a Zandalari.

No one should get that level loot in the first place. Not Horde or Alliance.