Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

I mean, okay, even if we do stop losing BGs, then BGs would just be more balanced. Oh no, how awful for the Horde.

I’m having trouble seeing any realistic bad consequences for the Horde because of this quest. If anything, it will just encourage more casual Alliance players to turn on war mode, thus giving Horde more Alliance to play against in war mode, something Horde has been complaining about.

There you have it. BGs are fine with competent players. I win just fine

Remind me why it was fair you could spam WFs for 340s that could titanforge non stop when Uldir came out?

huge flaw in their system. they are hosting a top 100 raid race , which people have been farming for, if by chance an alliance guild gets a 400 azerite piece with BIS traits, and then is able to trade gear to another guildmate or any combination of possibilies, it provides a huge advantage.

or a 400+ weapon etc that maybe rng upgraded.

the advantage can also be applied to pushing rating in the new pvp season and other content.

It’s obviously does if the incentive if gear.

Dude I was hoping we would make it to 500 at least…

Blizzard and thinking ahead do not mix.

You could do Mythic+ and get guaranteed 355s instead, which was faster.

How do you even argue that?

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people have been farming for weeks and months to get residuum for a 400ilvl piece, now you go and hand it out for free for one specific faction. pathetic!

Not same as AFKing and getting free gear for your alts as well

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I will bet you $100 that doesn’t happen. I really doubt the whole entire 11 Alliance guilds in the top 100 guilds in the world are going to suddenly gain some huge advantage from this.

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Yes, because everyone was AFKing on their alts instead of trying to prep their mains for Uldir.

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why wouldnt they? and doesnt it incentivize horde guilds to go alliance? the amount of residuum it takes for a 400ilvl azerite piece takes a good amount of time, does it not? whats wrong with giving the quest to both sides man???

Like people have already said in this thread, it doesn’t. The Zandalari racials are infinitely worth more than the gear from this quest. All this quest does is incentivize more casual Alliance players to turn war mode on, which is a good thing for the Horde.

Regeneratin’ isn’t a great racial, stop trying to over value it.

Exactly the problem. Casuals don’t deserve that level of gear just for turning WM on, something that could have done all along.

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Forming a 5-man group to kill 25 Horde is a handout?

How is that any different than the Warfront AFK rewards, or AFK in LFR, or any other method of obtaining gear?

Yes I’m ok with Alliance having more incentive and power rewards in game to participate in world pvp and bring about a more active and populated world around me, because regardless of any of that, I still play the same game and obtain the gear and rewards I want, and their weekly 400 ilevel gear does not change that or obstruct my path towards it.

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Umm, how isn’t it?

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you arent thinking clearly. the 400 ilvl weekly is now. zandalari isnt for (possibly) months. why are you comparing them? do you not understand people love their loot in this game? its a horrible design to give only 1 side this quest. not to mention the quest is supposed to be cathc up gear and instead rewards a 400piece on a week thats capped at 385. um hello?