Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

It’s almost like the Horde got free 370 from Warfronts going into the first week of Uldir.


That is a good question that I haven’t really given much thought to. We’ll probably never know. It is a bit fascinating though.

Hmm, Mat Cauthon from the Wheel of Time. He whined, cried, and blamed everyone else for what went wrong. You chose your name well.

And then Alliance got it. This is a weekly quest, so any casual will be better geared than raiders in no time if they play Alliance. You’re really okay with that?

Oh, I know why they made this quest, and what the complaints were from both sides. What I find weird, is that the people replying in this thread are spouting incoherent ramblings about the Hordes advantage in Mythic PvE for justification of getting handed a massive gear advantage.

You see, Warmode isn’t supposed to be about the gear you get from it (because there wasn’t any to begin with), it was about faction pride and fighting for your team. It just seems the Alliance are not able to fight for their team, and whined/cried about the fact that players TURNED OFF WARMODE THEMSELVES, and the Horde, and Blizzard had nothing to do with it because it was a personal choice.

I want you to turn Warmode on to fight me. Not because they will hand you the worst implementation of well-fare epics in the history of this game under the (player) justification that one side has a Mythic PvE advantage because it has more competent players.

Some of these replies are why “Mildy Offensive” is a bad idea. Should be a hard line i know i can avoid in order to respond appropriately to this.

So what do you think the consequences of that will be? Do you think all those casual Alliance players are going to be getting raid kills before Horde players in raid guilds?

I only read the first 100 or so, but I have not seen this mentioned there at least, or I skimmed right past it.

What is to stop the Alliance from turning Warmode on, getting the quest…wrecking horde at the incursion (typing this dead now as there are about 30 of them here) getting their piece of gear, and then turning Warmode off.

How is that incentive?

I said it before, I will say it again. Honor granted, conquest, increased reward on WQ, resources, etc…I have no issue with the increased buff. But they should not get another gearing path that the other faction does not have access to. That is not cool beans.


How so? …

Well seeing as Alliance made excuses on losing BGs over one piece of 370 gear, I suspect we better not lose any BGs.

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I have had WM on, on all my characters, from launch. I have never ONCE seen a Horde raid that wasn’t formed to counter the Alliance having a raid group, or two, camping Horde. NEVER seen one formed just to run around and grief alliance players, but I have seen PLENTY of Alliance raid groups doing just that.


I think a lot of people do it. Heck , I do it on my alliance character. Which is why I think the way they have incentivised war mode solves the wrong problem.


And this is why they had all but given up on PVP and PVP balancing.

This proves the imbalance is really out of hand though and it is 100% Blizz’s fault. Now they give out free candy in order to get one side to be more active.


You did that just fine.

How is it Blizzards fault if Alliance don’t turn on WM? They have shards they can balance but people need to utilize that button first.

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Alliance Raiders are guaranteed 2 400 ilvl pieces from Warmode and 1 from Darkshore before Mythic opens up. How can Blizzard not see this as unfair, especially when they are capping Mythic+ drops specifically for this reason.

Just read the posts here from the SSVU squad ( Stormwind Special Victims Unit ), they “deserve” the bonus, because… reasons!!! Mean ole hordies!!!

Sorry wrong reply target. Just replying to the thread as a whole.

No, I don’t because they are more likely less competent player, and as a result, do not deserve the free gear advantage they will get anyhow.

Probably because there’s only 11 of a 100 competitive raiding guilds on alliance and it doesn’t matter.

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