Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?


Also alliance: a 400 for us every week as a raid drops is hardly noticeable


Just became aware of this. Ridiculous. This needs to go or be for both. Seriously disappointed seeing they did this.

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How is rewarding them with a free piece of heroic gear from a brand new raid a “positive change to the game”? The bonuses that Blizz implemented did NOT help WM. A one time a week reward causes the alliance to turn WM on, and then right back off when they have completed the quest. The “benefits” the alliance are receiving are not helping the WM imbalance.

If the bonuses the alliance are receiving actually helped to solve the imbalance problem, then I’d be cool with it. But it doesn’t even come close to solving the issue. At this point, it’s literally just a free piece of heroic level gear from a raid that dropped today.

Just think of it as Affirmative Action for the Alliance. We are under represented and need some extra help here and there to compete.

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it’s not. Go into new raid and knock yourself out with 400/415 easy loot. You just got more then alliance and horde will this week from PVP/WF quest.

Yeah there’s definitely going to be a huge influx of Alliance high end raid guilds getting Mythic kills before Horde guilds now, right?


I, for one, am glad I’m not only outnumbered by the Alliance but they’re also getting straight up higher item level stuff. They totally deserve it right? We had that 10% bonus for so long over them, they surely deserve a 20% greater bonus AND additional, higher level loot.

Went through your account achievements. Talk to me when you actually complete real content in this game.

Not going to respond to your troll comments, goodbye.

We do actually. Thank you.

Not with that victim complex. If I was a new player and saw the “pity me” tantrum you guys throw constantly I’d go the other way too

Can I pay a class change to transfer today and get that juicy 400 ilvl item or i wont get the quest?
It’s a real question . TY

My solution is simple. I go pay the toll and death runs to get my ten for the weekly, then turn off war mode. I will be playing this way until this stupid mess gets fixed. Thanks for ruining War Mode Blizz.

Oh so this will have no affect on the Horde at all then? Cool, glad we can agree on that.

Now look at where all the top players are and you really see the issue

You’re actually okay with them handing out gear that others have to “work” for?

I apologize for the confusion here, but what does the Horde having more competent PvE players have to do with gear hand-out for doing PvP?

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No we will all be fighting in our 275 gear while Alliance gets a 30 AP buff and has better gear
 Why? I can’t answer that as the language restrictions of the forums does not allow me to fully describe what that makes people that choose Alliance lol

The reason people are giving for why this is bad, is “it gives Alliance more of an advantage at the start of a raid tier”. Like yeah totally, there’s going to be so many high end Alliance guilds beating Horde raiding guilds because of this quest now, right?

Hard to get Alliance turn on warmode? You should see Oceanic shards. Alliance camping FP, WQ and invade Horde Bases often. I don’t mind though, but they still get the resource buff and free item quest.

Between this and the warfront reward being 400 for Horde Blizz has no idea what they’re doing.