Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

I’m not crying, I’m just saying the entire reason this quest was added, the Alliance war mode bonus, etc was because it isn’t easy for Alliance to get kills in war mode. Saying that it is is completely ignoring why any of this stuff was added in the first place, it’s crazy.

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Alliance 45% Horde 55% .

How does this affect us as a Horde player?

If an Alliance player spend time each week out in the world doing world PvP in order to get that reward, that is 1 extra Alliance we get that joins the fight in world PvP. What’s so bad about that?

Why does this community feel the need to complain about every positive change made to the game to enhance the very issues they themselves are complaining about?

Horde complains that Alliance don’t have the desire or “balls” to engage in world PvP, and Alliance complains that they want to but not enough of their own faction is willing to help. So Blizzard makes a positive change that in no way what so ever ruins the game-play experience of Horde, gear progression for Horde, or limits the number of Horde out in world PvP (if anything, more Horde are out and about now knowing that Alliance are engaging in world PvP), yet the Horde feel the need to complain and force Blizzard to push the game and state of world PvP back to the barren that it was…

Why can’t you guys be happy that the Alliance are having fun finally, and we have more people to engage with in the PvP community?


Exactly, finally one of those level headed Horde players I’ve been talking about.

And see that doesn’t even seem like a huge difference to me but I realize to many it does and it basically comes down to opinion. When I check US 21-120 (because of allied races) the numbers are much closer and in the Alliance favor.

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Alliance main detected.


The warmode bonus was one thing… I agree with the 30%. But a weekly that just throws gear like that just because Alliance don’t want to turn WM on? Not so much.

Open your groupfinder and join an LFG group. It’s not based on servers, there are plenty of groups there.

For those of you complaining the Alliance is <------- that way. If enough of you faction change the buff and quest would go away. Would you be happy then?

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This is what keeps people up at night?

This has next to 0 impact on the game in the next 1-2wks.

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Until more talented people and guilds reroll Alliance.

You guys are benefiting from Blizzard’s welfare mode of (then) OP racials which caused an avalanche of talented players/guilds to reroll horde.

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You realize that you can’t do the quest in a raid and a 5 man group is worthless when you run into a literal raid of 40+ horde right?

It’s fine.

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You may want to look up my character before you speak. I’ve been a Horde Warlock since Vanilla closed beta.


That’s the thing. Ally have a hard time feeling bad for horde when we’ve all been camped before due to lack of alliance pop in warmode…so i can only imagine that the explosive amount of ganking and camping going on at this point is just revenge for what we endured for the first couple of months or something shrug


Logged in, found 5 man group, sat in incursion area for 10 min tagging horde. Recieved ilvl 400 azerite shoulders. Was more challenging than darkshore wf though.

Am I doing it right?

LFR heroes shouldn’t bother on how heroic level loots are distributed. I also suggest an Alliance transfer.


Congrats, now you’ve magically beat Horde in this raid tier with your one piece of 400 gear. There will definitely be like, 800 Alliance guilds that all down the last Mythic boss before the Horde do now.


If they would fix the humans “bicycle with no seat” run. I might play as one.

You are incredibly lucky. On my server it usually takes me about 60-90 minutes to kill enough horde for the quest. It is not anywhere near too easy.

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You have a week to do it though. 25 kills is easy