Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Of all the war mode bonuses, this one at least makes the most sense to me. You need to actively participate in WPVP to earn the reward; not just run around leveling alts with a target on your back.

ANd now it’s Horde. Were not just recycling these old players. New players like myself who never were alliance and started Horde. I PVP but i certainly wont after today. Though my voice among many is small i will exercise it.

Actually they buffed. EMFH in Legion was insanely good for pvp, which is why most Alliance pvpers were Human. It just wasn’t enough for the masses. But saying EMFH was weak in Legion, even now, is laughable.

Yeah, Alliance 40 man raids on top of a horde tortollan world quest NPC slaughtering people as they try to do the quest 1 by 1
 Great world pvp action for sure. Definitely great gameplay and well-earned.

Wow guild progress shows it’s pretty much 50/50 with horde and alliance 18 of the top 40 guilds being alliance but I suppose you’re going to use those two guilds as your example of horde favoritism. I looked at the US guilds.
So your argument is moot.

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Nope. I am asking for fairness. But its clear you are just here trolling. Fair would be the Alliance getting the warfront advantage and not 400 gear on top of it from trivial wpvp.

But its clear you don’t care about fairness. You want to troll. So until you feel like putting on your big boy pants, I will just stop responding to you.

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The funny part is it wasn’t that was in the past. Before the Alliance was dominate but then they added BFs and their OP racials and things quickly started to change with top tier raiding and PvPers switching sides for the more OP racial abilities.

How about we 1v1 bud, I’ll meet you wherever you’d like, even in the heart of your Horde capital. I’m sure that when I stand over your corpse you’ll cry about the reason I beat you was because I had a 400 ilvl azerite shoulder from slaying 25 of your friends.

What are you talking about? Only 11 of the top 100 guilds on progress last tier were horde.


wtf kinda epeen bs is this lol?

Can we throw in some bruhs and sups to add to your ridiculousness.?


Say that again without crying


Okay, um
 Like I didn’t mind the 370 gear. Because I knew a new raid was coming out, and some world boss gear was better, and it was the same level as warfronts. So, sure, whatever more free gear.

But bumping it from 370 to 400, as a quest only one sides allowed to get feels pretty scummy.

Both sides get Warfronts (Eventually) both sides get world bosses, both sides get caches.

But now only one side gets this? IDK this seems *Really bad for balancing, and is only going to make the player base angrier.

People aren’t just gonna drop their guild, thier communities, their friends, and all the progress they’ve done on their horde side characters and just either fully level up and restart over on a brand new toon on alliance, or shell out cash for a transfer.

This is kinda messed up. The horde should get a quest to kill 25 alliance, too. It makes sense, it’s a -war mode- quest. it shouldn’t be a one sided thing.


I mean did anyone at blizzard honestly think something like racials giving fractions an advantage had anything good to come out of it?
most players warned them as far back as vanilla beta.

This isn’t a solution either, its a temp fix.

If you have a flat tire, you don’t need an entire new car just to fix it, replace the flat or get a fix a flat.

You want alliance in warmode? Make pvp servers relevant again, make warmode drop pvp gear oppose to pve gear.

How many changed because of racials, other than method, unknowable unless a reason was given.
How many changed in pvp because racials? Once again, unknowable.
You are assuming. Unless we have direct statements from these groups, with evidence that the racials play a major role. This is nothing but assumptions.
Ultimately, you want to be a victim. That’s what I’m getting from this.

Sup bruh, you want some of this too? Git gud.

Get 80% of the Horde to turn Horde mode off for two weeks and maybe you’ll see the quest pop. This is the first tIme I’ve done Against Overwhelming Odds and our party was still outnumbered 2:1 in the butt end of Vol’dun when there was an assault going on in Tiragarde and CTA is in Drustvar

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You can’t complete the quest in a raid. FWIW, the camping problem is a big problem on both sides. I have many issues with BfA, but the whole war mode thing strikes me as the biggest mistake. It’s like they forgot the propensity of players going out of their way to be jerks to each other.

There we go, aaaah. Thats what was missin. Good stuff.

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Those are Mythic+ teams, not raiding guilds.

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