Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

You’re 2/8M anyways, you don’t need the gear. Don’t complain.

Impossible, I mean after all we are getting “DOUBLE THE LOOT” that the Horde are ever week according to you! So if that was true I am sure the Horde will be flocking back to the Alliance side any day now. Right?!?

/Waits for the sounds of crickets


How is it the Warriors and Clipper make it to the finals every year?
Do they play their behinds off, or is they’re given and advantage? Just because a large group of people is more successful than another group people doesn’t indicate anything other than one group is more successful.
Logically, I would assume that the horde guilds bust butts to do what they do because that’s what they do.
Prove to me that this isn’t personal drive or talent.

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Let’s try some of the token Horde phrases with you, those might work! :

“git gud”
“just turn wm off then”


It’s not free. we have to kill 25 horde for it. Your title is incorrect.

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This is a MMORPG, not basketball. False equivalence.

It’s free, no other way to put it.


The sorta responses I expect.

Horde got 1 advantage going into Uldir.

Alliance gets 2.

Alliance sees nothing wrong with this. Just like the Alliance saw nothing wrong with 100% of the spotlight on the Alliance lore/story in Legion.


The pity buff.


I believe I have seen you post both of those…

I would love you to show me.

Esp since “turn wm off” has nothing to do with the issue being talked about at all.


Yeah typical you can’t take any responsibility and you just want to cry.

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The quest gave heroic Uldir level loot before, so the concept isn’t new. It wasn’t up since the start of Uldir, though.

I haven’t looked at other gearing mechanisms, but are the Warfront gear ilvls being adjusted as well? If their gear design is the same as Uldir, then I feel like we’ll all be awash in ilvl 400 gear in short order.

https ://

how many top alliance guilds changed from horde to alliance?
how many horde guilds chose horde because of racials?
how many top pvpers chose horde because of racials?
how many further players and guilds changed from alliance to horde because better options.

you can try to pretend all you want but i listed in ahother thread at least 8 guilds that between the end of warlords and now have all gone from alliance to horde. 8 guilds out of the top 60 at the time alone.

that’s a huge impact.

or do you seriously think that 90% of the top guilds all just randomly chose horde.

what are the odds that out of nearly 1700 guilds, over 1450 actually chose horde at random?


You are right. I am just asking for things to be fair. Horde got the Warfront before Uldir. So Alliance gets the Warfront advantage before BoD. Thats fair right? I am fine with that.

Unfortunately, this is not all that is happening.


I’m talking about the players mentality. Yall just aren’t as PVP inclined. No matter how they write you or the rewards they throw you guys will just not saddle up.

I like how you ignore the point, being that there likely other factors at play which are not being accounted for. No, we must always assume that one group has some helping hand that isn’t being given to the other and thus bias. Why are some people more successful in life than others? Is it bias?

funny because alliance used to be the faction with the top pvpers, right up until they nerfed EMFH.

Nah, you’re not asking for things to be fair. You’re mad that Alliance gets something that you got in the past. Take your tears to the faction change line or get out of town.

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