Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Was Frank on the horde side of the sidewalk?

Sure lets list our “gifts”:

  1. They gave bloodefls to the horde because at that moment Alliance POP was a lot higher than horde , and horde need a “cute” race.

  2. BROKEN RACIALS since Lich king , making a lot of guild and players move to the horde .

  3. I can continue but im eating so excuse me.

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To everyone complaining, this is because the faction imbalance for horde 120’s is so bad, that even with a free ilvl 400 reward dangled in the alliances faces, and people doing it, there still are too many horde using war mode over alliance.

This is because of horde having op racials for too long, and the damage is done. Almost nothing blizzard does will reverse it.

I for one will enjoy my weekly ilvl 400 piece and 30% warmode buffs until the end of the xpac.



in your mind PVP is 20 vs 1 guy trying to do a turtle quest…like I said…pathetic.

This is what happens when a company makes incentives for one faction for years and years and years.

You need to analyzee this more than simply 8.1. The reason why Alliance even had to get incentives to turn on war mode in the first place, is because the faction balance had reached such a critical mass in BFA that after dilluting server populations into WM on/WM off, there was no choice for Alliance other than turn WM off to actually be able to play the game.

Blizzard has been adding incentives for years for people to go Horde now. Horde centric expansions, Horde centric storylines, better Horde racials overall, hell even at BlizzCon you see employers and presenters showing Horde as the “cool” faction while Alliance is just there to be a punching bag for them.

This has made people slowly go to Horde, which in exchange dwindled to pool of Alliance players more and more. Ask any Alliance recruiters about it.

The fact that the Alliance WM buff has never gone below 30% shows that the imbalance is so intense and overwhelming that not even the most OP benefits is enough to help it.

This is a statement to how bad Alliance has had it, this entire time. It sucks that it is affecting the game on a mechanical level now, instead of it being a cultural problem, but hey, the tears are amusing me.


You have to find 25 horde first… and even if there are 25 horde players, you can’t do this in a raid.

So more like 5-6 minutes.

We were at work, not the sidewalk. but again. How does Frank finding a quarter himself constitute an advantage for me or anyone else?

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except we literally have proof of top end alliance guilds changing to horde for better racials.

GASP. that means that they didn’t just flip a coin and choose horde.
no they changed for the better racials.

its almost as if mythic raiders will seek every advantage they can.

No in my mind PvP is a bunch of toxic people doing their best to insult and degrade others in a game. Never met a PvP player who wasn’t toxic - like your comment.

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Actually top guilds like Methods, they totally have no faction loyalty.
They change factions so frequently.
So observing their choices is a good way to judge which factions in advantage.


I’ll have to delete this character after that burn.

You have made me look absolutely babby-tier

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Sure wasn’t sarcastic when Horde got Arathi first.

and yet funnily enough for the past 6+ years all the top guilds have been changing from alliance to horde.
weird how that works out.

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Nah, it isn’t free. We have to kill 25 of you “always in a 40 man raid farming Alliance dogs” Horde. We deserve this loot and the buff.

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So… heroic when the horde did it for the first couple of months of the expac, but pathetic when the Alliance do it now with this dangled bit of loot?

Either way, I still maintain that the 400 ilvl loot is way too much and way too early. Should’ve had it’s ilvl increase delayed at least 2 months, or better yet removed entirely. I’m sick of adding more completely random skinner box loot drops.

Yes, my being able to eat stuff to restore health and breath underwater totally made Uldir a cakewalk.

And again, Horde has the most story with Uldir.

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This is the SAME conversation that was had at the beginning fo the expansion.

Horde acessed the Warfront first during a time when there was no ilvl restriction. They also got to kill all the rares in arathi highlands twice during one warfront cycle.

Same arguments, same concerns - just faction swapped.


Long enough to make up for years and years of overpowered Horde racials that got them into this faction imbalance in the first place.

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I for one will be turning off warmode until Bizz fixes this egregious mistake. I recommend all horde do the same. If they can’t see you…they can’t kill you…and they can’t finish their quest.


Thank you. This never would have happened is the horde hadn’t been on the forums crying for the first few months of the expansion about no alliance in warmode.

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