Alliance finally had a single advantage in a raid

Honestly, they should just remove racial abilities and be done with it.


I do think it’s a very strange move, to put it charitably. IMO they absolutely should have left it alone. If they didn’t want a specific ability to be dispelled with a racial or Phial maybe just… make it a different classification that those things wouldn’t dispel?

It just seems kind of like the encounter designer’s ego got bruised and they went “Wait, that’s illegal”. The timing is also a VERY poor look considering how Horde racials went unchecked for so long when they gave clear advantages on raid encounters. They might not have expressly, intentionally, solely set out to antagonize Alliance, but they’re really not doing anything to help that perception at all and it does seem unfair IMO. A real shame considering this could potentially have given a much-needed boost to the Alliance raid scene.


Sometimes I think Horde players would only be happy if the entire Alliance faction was deleted from the game.

Anything bad that happens to them is always “Alliance bias” and anything bad that happens to the Alliance is “always deserved” because “Alliance bias”.


People will just chime in and say that those players would have swapped back to horde. But those people are forgetting that the devs could have potentially put in future mechanics for the upcoming tiers akin to what dwarves could have brought. But oh well.

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I will say, if people were only picking Kyrian for a raid exploit…then Kyrian needs to be seriously looked at.

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I would agree with this but if there was another encounter design like Carapace, you would want the the whole raid to choose Venthyr for the mobility. It would negate the need to bring Warlocks entirely to fights like this.

Kyrian is pretty lackluster and was really only the option for a few specs once the front runners of necrolord and venthyr were nerfed.

Most people genuinely do not want to play kyrian/night fae by virtue of aesthetics alone. They only do so because of numbers/utility.

There is a difference between having extra mobility boosting (which classes do have access to) and bleed removal (which only Kyrian and dwarves had).

Shhh the DEVs needed raiders and to win RBGs and they saw that people were switching to the Alliance, they don’t want us to know this.

To me, I’m more puzzled how the devs couldn’t have forecast the kyrian covenant being so powerful here. It just feels like there’s a disconnect between a main expansion feature and how that would play into the first raid.

Perhaps I’m missing that they’ve been trying to reconcile their interaction (the kyrian phial and the raids bleeds) for a while and just felt this recent change was the best?

Of the two faction storylines in BfA (I played both thoroughly) Horde was waaay more enjoyable. But as a whole, BfA’s storyline sucked eggs but at least the horde side had entertainment value - and I loved Vol’dun the most - even more than, gasp Drustvar.

A boatload of Horde only players in this thread have lost any credibility. You know damn well if the situation was reversed you’d be mad.

I hear all the time that horde is the mature faction and people want to play on it regardless of advantages real or not.

This was a good time to put that too the test but evidently not as mature as originally claimed.

The issue here is if it was a horde racial advantage we know it would have been left alone as more alliance guilds give up and play horde.


Most likely this is the case, and Stoneform got hit as collateral (because its the same effect). However, I dont understand why they couldnt code the stacks to not be removed but only the damage to be prevented.

plays Alliance

PHEW, a close one… But realistically, with Kyrian doing it as well…everyone knew this was going to get hit eventually.

The only advantage we have is that Stormwind Castle is much nicer than Mud Canyon.

But it about ends there in terms of favoritism.

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They better hope that there isn’t some other raid in SLs where a Horde racial gives a major advantage or they will dread having made this change.


It is annoying for Kyrian but if I read the change correctly you will just pick the soul bind that gives you an immunity and call it a day.

As a healer on that fight, the mobility options that still required the raid to move through the goop was much more healing intensive than when we had the gate available to use.

In my book either all options, whether they be mobility or immunities, should be considered as counters to fight design or none of them should have a large impact on fight design.

Which is fine. As long as it doesnt remove the stacks, then it doesnt break the fight.

Which makes me think Kyrian/Dwarf racial behaving like that wasnt intended for their raid design…which is dumb.

Want to elaborate on that or just making another grand assertion?