I do really enjoy Blood Elf aesthetics, but I’ve also really loved the BFA Alliance zones (they remind me of the Hobbits Laketown), Night Elf aesthetics/music, and I still have a soft spot for Elwynn Forest.
Theres also stuff like the story being heavily centered on them. I mean the night elves got genocided and the main focus of the story was how sad an orc was about it.
The Horde also got all unique models for their BfA rep mounts, and the Alliance got horses.
There was also the first week of Warfronts at launch where Horde had no ilvl requirements to do the warfront and could easily gear up alts and then right before it switched to Alliance being able to do the Warfront, Blizz added an ilvl requirement.
Its dozens of small things that add up.
Well, to be fair, the pterrodax models were used in Mists. So they weren’t entirely unique outside of the hyena, right? (Which I’ll admit was a blow to the Alliance).
I think it was added after a bunch of Horde wipes. Horde were the guinea pigs in the warfronts. Not saying it’s fair, because it isn’t.
It is. But what I was saying came from personal experience, where I’ve always thought the Alliance won in terms of aesthetic, armor, voice acting, and such. Things that do not directly affect your success in the game but help assist your imagination in an MMORPG. But I’m not trying to argue Alliance favoritism; there’s clearly a bit of a Horde bias. I’m just stating what I enjoy.
The skeleton for the pterrordax was used for the Throne of Thunder meta mount, but they were otherwise new and unique models. Same with the bloodbug thing.
So, Blizzard learned from a mistake and this is a bad thing?
It does feel yucky that Alliance can only get the unique models from rare drops (the hyena drop, the blood bug drop).
I wish Blizzard would release the faction restrictions on many mounts. This would not only ease Alliance feelings, but it would allow me to actually ride a horse
Theres several horses the Horde can ride. One drops from a rare mob in revamped Arathi, one is from completing both the Alliance and Horde war campaigns. Probably more I’m forgetting.
I do have several horses (Goldenmane, the donkeys from Arathi, the horse Horde gets for having a top level Alliance character), but I do really want the Dapple Grey. Or the Seafaring Stallion.
And I imagine the Alliance feel the same way.
So instead you are inferring that the devs are incompetent to only now realize this as an issue. When anyone with a brain noticed this months ago.
So two situations:
- horde bias
- stupid devs
For blizzard Alliance = white men.
Being able to immune a mechanic is not the same as Zul adds, you are still dealing with the mechanic if you send a blood elf or a priest. Having the whole raid negate a core mechanic of an encounter is a different thing.
People seem to be hard focusing on Dwarven racial…when Kyrian was literally doing the same thing.
Did people skip over that or just want to spin?
So a whole guild got played for fools /sips tea.
Explain the ability troll racial of voodoo shuffle and people race changing to nelf/worgen on alliance or troll on horde to trivialize the jaina mechanic?
People hated kyrian cause it feels to virtuous. They want to be edgelords and go necrolord or venthyr. Meanwhile night fae is the hufflepuff of the covenants.
This is a dumb nerf. It screws over Alliance and gives less of an incentive to choose Kyrian. The only part I like is that I’ll have more to heal now as a healer main.
Who cares? People would take it, if it exploited a fight.
It screws over everyone, because it removes the ability to exploit a mechanic.
Both side had access to it, but we dont know why Blizzars didn’t change it before it went live, they probably thought it wouldn’t be such a huge deal and that it would actually allow guilds to bring an extra dps. Is not the same as completely negating the mechanic, you still took damage from it.
While it was live, they didnt want to get in the way of the world first. Those are my guesses, they done similar things in the past.
Where’s the line though? Is it something a class should provide and not a racial?
So why not just bring a raid full of paladins? They can heal, despite and tank right? One giant bubble ftw!!