Alliance finally had a single advantage in a raid

Blizz Devs hate alliance, and especially dwarves. News at 11.


Always curious on why folks that think the Horde is so great don’t just play on the Horde. Been alliance for a long time, and I’m content with it if I thought the other faction was better I’d switch. But I don’t, you aren’t chained to a faction.


They want to solve the problem which has started a rot since the Horde racials were better. They aren’t better now but when they were far better, a slow rot set in where players either transferred to Horde because top guilds did or just went for the racials and eventually increased the Horde playerbase to a point where the Alliance raiding community is slowly dwindling.

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Indeed, and that is also part of why I think it ought be let alone. After reading some of these previous instances of beneficial racial abilities helping to deal with raid mechanics I won’t lie, having it persist would be vicarious vindication, and that is a thing in which, duly or not, I revel.

Because i dont like playing the bad guy.


I swear I’ve seen people saying time and time again that racials shouldn’t cause one faction to be better at end game than the other.
Mainly this is from alliance players wanting an even playing field

Blizzard listens and because right now its the alliance that would be affected by it they complain.

There seems to be no winning with a certain group of people.

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They probably wouldn’t have stayed after the tier was over (unless they cared about maybe having achievements wiped or whatever) so I doubt it would have had a lasting effect. Would have helped morale though.

and I say to the alliance:

Are you Nerfering faster than a DH in Hearthstone

Stay as the best pvp, because we will save Azeroth in the pve, leave us ambitious selfish faction alone.

I play on both, low end, both sides are equal. The issue only matters to high end pvp and raiding. People who keep up with top guilds or pvpers, are the ones that care about it the most, because it’s like following sports teams, you want to cheer for the side your on, but if your side is always losing, the stadium attendants gets smaller, and only the stubborn fans remain.


How important are the bleeds to the fights?

I mean, if they’re a big part of the fight, I guess it makes sense that they wouldn’t want you to be able to just dispel it and totally neuter part of a boss.

Oh, and if someone wants to tell me “but X Horde racial could do that for X Boss!” feel free to stifle that urge.


Don’t feel too bad. Will of the Forsaken doesn’t remove all fears or charms, even though it’s right there in the tooltip. It’s especially strange for charms, because they’re so rare, but it’s borked none the less. This issue has been in game for years.


There are many mechanic that goes through Divine Shield or Cheat Death as well, he’d know if he’s actually raid.

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that fight even on heroic sucked. Mythic had to be worse. /cries in immobile warlock.

Though look on the plus side… it could’ve been nerfed during the WF race. Man those tears would be massive.

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Aww boohoohoo… is that gonna make it impossible for you to do the raid? I don’t think so.

Shhhh. They’ll nerf our OP racials to the ground if you bring up how good they are. Though, I’m still a little envious of the human rep racial.


Me too. Me too… :disappointed:

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Irrelevant comparison.

There is no mass bleed removable ability available to classes that you can by pass the boss mechanic with.

The last time a racial had an advantage in boss fight was troll’s voodoo shuffle on the jaina fight, which was promptly nerfed.

Yeah thats great, until the next time Horde has such an advantage and Blizz just Mitch McConnells it, conveniently selectively finding a reason that standards for Alliance are not the same as standards for Horde.

Disclaimer, I personally dont care about horde vs alliance bias, I’ve always just played what I wanted to play regardless, but I’m willing to set that aside for a second and illustrate what people are upset about.


I gotta say the irony of you saying people don’t pay attention, when your example has been mentioned is pretty good. Post 34.


If the Kyrian Phial trivializes the mechanic to the point of being chosen over other Covenants, will the devs choose to nerf the shiny new, expansion-selling toy or just let it go?

Let’s find out together.

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