Alliance finally had a single advantage in a raid

Remind me of the Jaina fight.

What happened to the Alliance characters for it?

Now my memory may be foggy, but I seem to remember all Alliance races changing into Horde races for that fight.


Here’s Horde players to tell you why you are wrong.


Except only Night Elves and Worgen became trolls.

On top of this, there’s MANY other examples in the past, like Goblin Rocket Jump on Mythic Kil’Jaeden in legion, as one example.


So race change to night elves or worgen?

You had 2 races that had the option to use that racial.

Horde had 1 race that had the option to use that racial.

Now my math may be fuzzy. But last I checked 2 > 1.


That’s not how it works at all, rofl.

Horde were not forced to race change for the fight. Alliance were, EVEN IF THEY HAD TO CHANGE TO NIGHT ELF OR WORGEN.

Try again.


If a member of the Horde wanted to use the OP voodoo racial, they were forced to race change for the fight if they were not already Troll.


arcane torrent was already nerfed once. How about we nerf void elf racials


You want my portal that travels slower than run speed in exchange for Arcane Torrent? I’ll gladly make that trade.

Or my 5% damage/healing that procs extremely randomly in exchange for your 1% Crit?


best caster racials in game? sure

Honestly AT could use another nerf.

Except the Void Elf racial procs randomly. Blood Elf gets a static 1% crit.

Please, trade.


I am in favor of racials being flavor, less impactful on a PvE or PvP environment. Enjoyable things. Personally, I think Vulpera have some of the best racials in the game - that being the extra bag space and the campsite.

That being said, I just wanted to point out how racials have never been on equal grounds between both factions. Ever. Even when the Alliance racials were clearly better. It’s why I’m in favor of making them lack impact.


Coming from a Blood Elf, who cried on the forums for years to get Blue Eyes, knowing full well they were an Alliance feature, and got what they wanted, but don’t want Void Elves to get what they’ve been asking for?


You are asking to turn void elves into high elves.

Blue eyes for blood elves makes sense.

You are asking to take a race from the Horde and make it playable on Alliance.


How dare you request things!!! don’t you know as a helfer it hurts my feelings and makes me jealous when blood elves get things?

Nope! sunwell was cleansed forever ago with light and arcane blue should have been a thing at the end of BC for blood elves.

As an ex helf fan i laughed at anyone who relies on their race request relying only on blue eyes. And i laugh at them now.

no this is not what void elves asked for…you have zero idea what void elves want

and i am tired of these toxic Helfers trying to turn void elves inside out just because they are obsessed with small and petty things


The vast majority of alliance players probably wouldn’t even bother race changing to a beard sprite anyway, not sure I understand the change but whatever.

Alliance was just an element to boost the central characters of the bfa story…all horde involved. That being the reformation of the government of the horde becoming a council instead of a warchief.

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I mean, what’s the matter, did Blizzard think horde guilds wouldn’t be good enough to compete with that? If so that’s pretty insulting tbh.

And those people are WRONG.

Buff dwarves.


The fact nobody here has mentioned goblin jump on Kil’jaeden shows how little anyone on this thread pays attention to unbalanced racials.

That’s quite literally what started the collapse of Alliance, this could have swung the pendulum in the other direction but god forbid Alliance have a competitive edge.