Alliance favoritism on the 20th Anniversary Key Art

You can really tell who doesn’t have hobbies outside of WoW by seeing who is making absolutely feral forum posts.


He was the Prince of Lordaeron, not Stormwind. Therefore hes not associated with the Alliance of Stormwind, hes associated with the people of Lordaeron. The people of Lordaeron are Horde characters - therefore hes a Horde villain

As for Gul’dan, I was only associating him to Horde for the same reason Illidan was being associated with Alliance.

Thrall might be an orc but he is Alliance. Look at his armor.

Right, I said that.

That doesn’t make him Horde, lol.

Some of them are Forsaken but Arthas never joined the Horde. Some people from Lordaeron who became the Scourge but then broke from Arthas to become the Forsaken did join the Horde.

That’s not how it works at all.


these posts are just trolling at this point.

And in today’s episode of What Will They Complain About Next? - Triggered by Key Art…


I think youre misunderstanding what Im saying. No Arthas is not from the Horde. Neither is Gul’dan. Arthas is still a Horde villain though.

Fandrel Staghelm is an Alliance villain that originated from the Alliance.

Arthas is a Horde villain that originated from Lordaeron.

Gul’dan is a Horde villain that originated from the old Horde.

My point is just to associate the characters, as was what the original poster had done.

He’s not a Horde villain, lol.

You aren’t associating them any better than the OP.


Great argument

Lordaeron was a Human city and part of the Alliance, it didn’t become a Horde city until after it had fallen to the scourge and Sylvanas liberated it. Even then, she tried to rejoin the Alliance first and only went to the Horde after Stormwind guards killed the Foresaken emissaries…

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I’m sorry you lost your king. The Horde also killed off each warchief as well… ps, try harder next time, sylvanas isn’t ded yet :wink: (light hearted humor → no trolling)

To be fair, Arthas was a human paladin (alliance only class originally) AND he was a traitor to humans and the people of lordaeron. He was selfish and his pride led him to become a raid boss. He was neither alliance or horde. Just a power hungry idiot that malganis goaded. Best written villain, however.


Human does not mean Alliance. For example Hallowfall isnt Alliance.

The humans of the current Alliance are humans of Stormwind that rebuilt their kingdom after the 1st war, not the humans of Lordaeron that were wiped out by Arthas in the 3rd war. Its the exact same as how the current Horde is a rebuilt society after the Orcs escaped the prison camps that Lordaeron set up for them, not the old Horde of Draenor and the 1st + 2nd war.

Arthas wasnt terrorizing the people of Stormwind, he was attacking Lordaeron and Quel’thalas. If Arthas had burned down Stormwind Id agree that hes an Alliance villain.

He didnt though. He wiped out Lordaeron. Therefore hes a villain of the people of Lordaeron, who just so happen to be Horde

Hence… hes a Horde villain.

the OP has already been picked apart to death by everyone as they should be for this low tier bait :rofl:

but on the discussion of whos alliance and whos horde, gul’dan used the horde for the legion so i dont think he should even be considered part of the horde.

illidan also had his own plans.

as did sylvanas.

arthas was the lich king who’s master was the legion so theres that as well.

realistically the only true members of alliance and horde we have from this list are anduin, jaina, alleria and green jesus thrall.

I’ve always had this idea rolling around in my head of how old expansions would work without the expansion conflict

World we even have Pandaria? It always seems convenient that non faction conflict continents look like they couldn’t support one

And for the latest ones, we’re not being introduced into fast allies like Jinyu or Hozen. The Earthen would probably just be openly hostile and same for Arathi

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

Whilst I agree there’s been far heavier Alliance content and seeming favouritism lately - You worded this whole thread –


:grimacing: I mean yikes.


Warlords of hordenor.

Nuff said.

They did the key art for the 10th year of WoW based on all the faction leaders. (which people should recognized because its part of EK/Kalimdor’s loading screen)

I am guessing the 20th key art was design to represent someone important for each expansion

Burning Crusade-Illidan
Wrath of the Lich King-the Lich King
Mist of Pandaria-Jaina
Warlords of Draenor-Gul’dan
Battle for Azeroth-Anduin
Dragonflight- Alexstrasza
The War Within-Xal’athath


Did you miss the entire questline in BFA where we release Xal’atath from the knife?

Much like the faction favoritism whining for this poster, “Green Jesus” was also incredibly stupid. Thrall is focused on for one patch, like total.