Alliance faction transfers

Its time to open up Alliance to horde transfers.
It’s now obvious you don’t care about faction balance and have taken away the only hope Alliance had of getting more people.
Nobody will roll Alliance now and it will only get worse.
Don’t punish those of us who tried to do the right thing by the game when we didn’t go horde, even though it’s the preferred faction for many of us.


They need to open PVE to PVP transfers, not faction to faction transfers.

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That would only make it worse.
Pve players would be very hesitant to transfer if they’re Alliance but eager to if they’re horde since horde don’t really have to worry about getting camped.

Yes, they need to open PvE to PvP transfers. And no Kentox, it won’t make it worse, only better. Especially for the alliance.

Comment here on this centralized thread about the PvE to PvP issue so we can get Blizzard’s attention to make this a reality by next week:

Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

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Or just transfer to Benediction/Grobbulas

Just open PVE to PVP transfer.

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