Alliance Exploiting. Circumventing the AV Fix

Queuing for games is apparently exploiting? Who knew?


that’s it buddy. you’re going away for a long time.

Terrible trolling but obviously you can’t read nor play classic if you are occasionally facing an Alliance pre-made.

EO is not in good shape .

If classic players keep telling players to go back to retail, classic will follow EO.

The pvp situation and premade scandal isnt helping either.

this isnt a troll ya’ll figured sh!t out to do your av ques once again and that is breaking the game that they fix

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So funny when we win in 7minutes, Alliance pugs are really becoming top tier.


Bump, legit all these ally lying. A straight up work around to blizzards fix. Ally using this should get a temp ban to screw over their honor.


The tears.

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Fascinating how delusional people can be.

Your faction is exploiting in every facet of the word, yet you accuse horde of the same. Truly astonishing.

What is broken? Games are starting with 80 people. They fixed that, and you can queue as groups of 5. Everything that the horde wanted.



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Horde here are always saying they have the 90% win rates- and can you explain why you think exploiting in phase 2 is fine? Other than of course the obvious that you did it, and Horde does it- and when Horde exploits it’s a-ok.

AV is packed with pvp, and the Horde turtles every single match- when we were starting matches with 15 players, Horde would still turtle. Horde does not ‘have’ to turtle to get honour, and they don’t have to send groups after the few allies that make it through to try to kill LTs. It’s straight up wrong- Horde just turtle every match because the map is so heavily in their favour that the only way to beat a turtle as alliance is with heavy coordination.

The first engagement in AV happens 2/3rds of the way towards the Alliance base for Horde, basically they get double the map before the first pvp even occurs due to how the map is built. That’s an insanely unfair design, it was changed later- and it’s resulted in pugs basically having close to 0% win rates, and often getting a quarter of Horde bonus honour to none at all.


I see the pathetic tantrums haven’t stopped from our beloved horde players.

we’ve pretty much jumped into bacon level salt at this point.


Your faction has been exploiting since phase one, it’s well documented and wide spread and without any sort of punishment. What’s astonishing is how Horde believes you can get away with everything, and still call others exploiters.


In what world do you live in? Lol, a crime is a crime is a crime.

One guy stole a donut, one guy vandalized a car, and one guy murdered somebody.

But they are all crimes and thus the same.

You are legit delusional, what does that even mean. You are a faux ranker who can only rank when you have a giant advantage over the horde. Queue into my WSG fair 10v10, (actually unfair since alliance are better at warsong in vanilla but I wouldn’t expect you to know that) and lets see what happens.


The Hell are you talking about? The little tiny hill jump thing?

You’re nuts.

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Cool, good luck to them! As long as someone is beating the horde in AV I’m happy.


Horde exploiting was so bad it caused the death of a faction, resulting in thousands quitting and Horde getting permanent, growing queues. Pretty serious stuff.

Alliance ‘exploiting’ by queuing through discord resulted in a few horde being inconvenienced, did nothing to shorten queues so obviously wasn’t causing people to quit, and according to the Horde brag you still were winning the majority of your matches by a large margin.

Sounds like Horde are the murderers, and Alliance the donut thieves in your example.


Pathetic tantrums haven’t stopped from BOTH factions since bgs have released.
We’ve jumped into bacon level salt at this point for BOTH factions.
Neither of us are any different