Alliance Exploiting. Circumventing the AV Fix

No they aren’t queueing as a raid, a bunch of people are clicking join at the same time. And because of how badly queue times are skewed they are likely to get into the same BG.

Just admit that premades fighting pugs in all BG’s is unfair and we’re cool.

Not sure why I respond to you anymore.
You’ve been an idiot on these forums since classic was announced. Good luck buddy.


Everyone is allowed to group as a 5 man.

Alliance pvp population is small enough that a few 5 mans can make it into the same AV. Again, it’s the smaller population that benefits Alliance.

So unless Blizzard wants to A. Shut down AV. B. Somehow get more Alliance players playing. Then nothing can or will be done sans letting factions que as raids.

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So you just inherently don’t understand how the queueing system works?

It’s really not hard to understand, when one side has nearly instant queues and a bunch of people click join at around the same time those people are likely to get into the same BG. That’s not an exploit it’s just how the queueing system works.

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Imagine if horde did not stack to one side to PvP, it’s almost like most of these issues wouldn’t exist.

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lmao… if you have notice my past post. I don’t even pvp on my mage moron. I pvp on my hunter alt. Even though the outcome would still be the same.

I have never lost to a rogue 1v1 on my hunter. Protip: don’t waste a frap it wont help.

But keep in mind they have no problems when that faction imbalance favors them like it did in phase 2.

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Keep dreaming dude. No one is exploiting anything.


Phase 2 Horde: Alliance just need to organize!

Phase 2.5 Horde: but not too much…



:beer: :beers:

As far as i know, its people single queing, at best its a organiced pug… where people that end up in same AV talks to each other… horde can do the same, just get people into a discord, its not hard

Horde should just learn to PvP.

Youre conflating two different things here and you know it.

The WHY here is extremely important, despite you claiming that you “dont care” about it.
Is a PUG vs a premade technically a “fair” fight in the general sense of the word? Maybe, maybe not, more often than not it isnt completely “fair” though.

But theres a very big difference in terms of HOW that advantage is gained, and that makes all the difference necessary to separate one being “exploitation” and one playing the game the way it was intended to be played.

If you solo queue for a WSG and you get in a game where youre facing up against a full premade, guess what? Thats actually completely “fair” because you had just as much opportunity as they did to queue with a full premade yourself, that option exists in the same exact capacity for both Horde and Alliance. Blizzard INTENDED that the BG be one in which you could coordinate and play with the players you wanted to play with. The integrity and competitiveness of the BG is maintained since no one side has any advantage by default before anyone even gets in the game.

Now you compare that to AV. All you need to do is ask yourself, is there the same exact capacity on both sides to premade the BG with all the players you want to play with? And, was the BG intended to be one in which you could choose to premade the 39 other players that go into your game? Pretty simple questions, that have pretty simple answers. No, there isnt the same capacity and no the BG was not intended to be played like that. Which means before the BG even starts, one side automatically has an advantage, one that was not intended to be there and one that Blizzard just attempted to stop in order to fix the integrity of the BG.

Its that simple. No amount of rationalization or trying to frame the exploit in a different light, or outright willful ignorance will change these things from being true…its black and white.


I honestly dont know what the horde does in av now a days. It’s been over a month since I was in one. So forgive me for referencing the knowledge I had at the time of me doing the games. And wiping the floor with rank 12s or 13s probably isnt hard considering it’s based off who has the most time not the most skill.

So dont try to make yourself sound like a “pvp god”.

Alliance really dont know how to play without exploiting

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Hunter win condition vs rogue: land freezing trap.

Scatter shot > freezing trap > aimed shot.

Such skill you possess!

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Lol lol this is rich coming from an alliance who’s faction uses av as a pve race.


Well technically you have just as much opportunity to get into an AV premade now don’t you? Just reroll alliance, problem solved.

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Aka premade…call it what you want…but a rose by any other name…

not to the same success as alliance.

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I do not premade but have accidentally sniped into some before when queuing. I assume people just countdown in discord and queue at the same time and maybe get a lot of them in the same one.

Horde can do it too but they just lemming’d over to horde to pvp so there are too many of them. So it’s not ‘fair’. They should have just added a debuff for leaving queue so that a ton of 1/4 games wouldn’t be opened and alliance wouldn’t get crushed in 10v40.