Alliance epic bgs are a "revolving door" of players

Not that i saw got the rush rh groups

My favorite is a BG where one of them is when we wipe them within the first couple of minutes the last person we’re about to dispose of all of a sudden goes from 10% hp to 100% hp and then you see the “Deserter” debuff below their icon and then they disappear eating that shame-burger we just fed them.


Eh, at this point an ally dropping and then being happy about it is like kicking puppies. Most ally are so beaten down by being the underdog for two expacs in a row that no one really cares too much about sticking things out.


I get streaks. Like 4 AV’s in a row, 3 WG’s, then the rest of the night IoC’s.

On 4/24 I did one epic battle which was WG (defending), the horde made it through the first gate within 7 minutes and I thought we were done for. Add another 25 minutes to that and we successfully defended our keep. Saw plenty of people “hit the door” after the first gate was broke. Wins happen, not often, but they happen. :blush:

WG is still a “what the f is this?” bg for me. I understand it a little better now but wins are only coming if I get lucky with team mates who can get it done.

AV is one where we have a slight inherent disadvantage but it can be overcome if people don’t act stupid. It doesn’t get overcome very often.

IoC should be an ally win if people don’t act stupid. Well turns out it’s a mixed bag to put it kindly.

Sounds about right

So for the first bg of the night, surprise surprise… I get backfilled into a losing Alliance AV :roll_eyes:

First thing I see in chat upon zoning in:

Never a dull moment in Alliance bg chat :joy: :rofl:

You want real comedy call for defense and watch how many times someone says “thatll take forever go RH” and then we proceed to be smacked around for 20 mins + anyways.

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Late to the thread, but strangely I had a pretty “decent” night alliance-side last night. I got my wins within the first 3 games IIRC. I think I’m very used to the “revolving door” on alliance side, but for the record…

it does NOT make me want to increase penalties for AFKing because that would be STUPID.

I also still take issue with anyone who says “you aren’t supposed to AFK out of epic BGs.”
TBVH, screw that.

Interestingly enough, horde teams are often worth staying for, even if you have a bad feeling you’re going to lose. :cowboy_hat_face:


I have stopped solo queue BG’s totally - I may queue with a few friends now and again but it is just not worth queueing 30-40 BG’s to try and get the weekly conquest points… the pain of constant losses is just unbearable.
I can pretty much get the conq with AOO, the weekly call to arms, invasions etc so I don’t bother to enter the pain zone.

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Slight ? lol

I would also add… people who are able to queue with premade raids for AV probably do find it a bit easier. I thought I saw a thread by one of the alliance “world PvP guilds” saying they were going to start doing epic BGs - not sure how much they play, but if they have a pre-organized raid they should be doing far better than alliance solo queuers. If not I would be like :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Some Alliance that post here seem super excited for more
PvE in PvP. :nauseated_face:

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sometimes I worry the alliance will just dry up
at what point do they get tired of the 30-40% win ratio : P


I find it more relaxing playing horde, for sure. Well, except possibly during weekends when the mushy-:brain: horde increase.

Ironically the Alliance is now what the Horde stood for originally. The underdog battled hardened faction. You even have more “pretty” on the Horde then you do ugly races at this point.

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I said slight with pug vs pug in mind. Organised alliance vs horde pugs they are little more than an annoyance. Organised vs organised the advantages are HUGE for horde if they choose to use them. Pug vs Pug I stand by slight.

Most people either side don’t realize the advantages the horde could use and thus they aren’t used effectively if at all. When they are used they can be overcome IF alliance players can get the stubborn ideas out of their heads that “there is only one way to win and I am going to do that no matter what.” IOW, if they don’t act stupid. Unfortunately they usually do,

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I dream of 30-40% win rate … that I could put up with … but with it more like 20%, BG’s are over for me …

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Sorry mate AV has a one-sided design flaw and it is exacerbated for pug v pug … I have said it many times.

You need the entire alliance to team to coordinate (gl with that!) to beat a horde team whereas only 10-15 horde need to agree to the strat and sit at the bottleneck. The odds of alliance coordinating to that degree is minuscule.

Alliance are usually still arguing about strats at the time they are two towers down… 5 were screaming rush FW, 2 were suggesting defending SHB, 2 were wanting SHGY defended, 4 want to zerg (zerg what is usually never mentioned), 1 lonely voice wants to take out Galv, 5 want to just defend, most are quietly wanting to just get HK’s or max damage while someone else wins the BG for them (this especially frustrating with 10 stealth who are all face pvping in the thickest action), and 1 wants the grave robber achieve and is planning on taking Snowfall even though they will be screamed at.

Oh and 35 of them are still wondering why Blizzard put more snowdrifts around SHGY…