Alliance epic bgs are a "revolving door" of players

Alliance had a rough night in epics, people were CONSTANTLY leaving games left and right. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if something like 1/3 (or more) of the Alliance team ended up just being backfillers/new people by the end of the matches :rofl:

Alliance epics really do often just devolve into a “revolving door” of players where people leave on a whim. It’s also very common for backfillers to zone in, see the score, and immediately afk back out.

Didn’t get hangar in IoC? Leave instantly
Lost the first teamfight? Leave instantly
SHB got burned? Leave instantly

Just a really bad night overall, awful performance from Ally tonight

Random BGs… what you gonna do?


but, you’re missing a perfectly good opportunity to vent your rage and frustration in chat.

I can confirm, we utterly decimated Alliance tonight. Highlight was a complete domination of WG on offense. 5 for 5.

EDIT: Thanks to The Gov.

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Who’s that?

I thought it was an exaggeration honestly but I was on a alliance alt all night and yikes.

I didn’t get a single win (epic) and it was a continuous revolving door like you said :frowning:


haven’t seen ally win a epic in so long lmao on my horde we destroyed them in wintergrasp so bad they didn’t even get first wall down


Yeah there is always “that guy” that is screaming stuff like “rush RH!!!” And its louder than most so all follow him and boom, alliance gets put on the downward spiral and the revolving door starts spinning.

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I lost more epics than usual last night.

I was in a BG with a different WE, was a good leader. Easily won the game.

Don’t you merc and leave like half your games too though? lol

Sounds like another “fun” reason to concentrate on max level for the “real” PvP. ugh.

Pretty soon there won’t be any alliance left. Just horde and some bots, lol.


At this rate i beleive it


For the Alliance!

Yeah, but Pv AI sounds more like PvE than PvP to me.

I should probably spend less time here and spend it checking out other games instead.

The only one where I leave almost immediately is Wintergrasp :joy:

I wasn’t even mercing yesterday, but “yikes!” is right… last night seemed like an “extinction level event” in Alliance epic bgs. It was bad lol

For some reason, AV kept popping more than usual, which didn’t help things either. In like 3 of those games we had some “go Galv” trolls successfully convince like half the Alliance team to rush Galv at the start - you can probably guess how those games went :laughing:

Just imagine if deserter were account wide or “lasted 24 hours” or some other such awful idea/nonsense - there would probably be like no Alliance players left to play against :joy:

You would probably “have” to implement Blizzard AI bots in such a scenario, because the matchmaking system would legit struggle to fill these “revolving door” Alliance epic bgs with so many of these Alliance constantly having deserter debuff.


I think a lot of the better Alliance players are in 10/15 mans as those are a different story than epics.


Idk how people can like the AI honestly whats the point of it being called player vs player if its literally pve

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surprisingly I got av 4 times in a row too I never get IOC much anymore and that’s the 1 map ally usually wins

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Did you get the “go Galv” guys too? :joy:

I would have loved to get AV after AV.

All I got was a handful of WG’s and 1 IoC…to which horde wiped us at 1% left on the boss.

I was done for the night after that IoC.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::sob: