Alliance Druid Races

I really like the Druid class, but it’s so hard to commit to any other race than Night Elf. I am thinking that in order for the Alliance races who play Druid to survive, will have to make Shadowmeld a Basic Druid ability. Everytime I try to play a race other than Night Elf for Druid, I end up scrapping it and going back to Night Elf Druid. What say you? I honestly think it’s BS and they should scrap that racial trait, or give it as a talent or something for other races.


Why do people always want to screw over Nelfs? :frowning:


Shadowmeld is not the reason almost 50% of all druids (that’s alliance and horde) are night elves.

Night elf druid is popular because they look the best and have the most druid lore.

Look at night elf druid and then look at Kul’tirans (LMFAO) and worgens. It’s not even a contest.

It doesn’t matter what they do, nelf will be the majority always.


Worgen have alot of clipping issues but still my fave alliance race.

I get it though… Not for everyone.


Faces are okay, but the hands… the calves, I couldn’t make myself to keep on playing my NE. It literally grosses me out. It’s so sad. NE is my favorite race. It deserves another texture update.

If nightborne can have decent fingers so do night elf :sob:


I have weird feelings about night elf druids because of the bots which is why I don’t trust them and hesitant about making one.

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I main a Worgen Druid. I absolutely adore her. Despite some of the clipping issues and what not.

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This is me to a tee. I am happy for the rest of you that like trolls, dogs, and fat humans but outside of Night Elves, the only alternatives are both varieties of Tauren as Druids.

:point_up: :sunglasses:

I like night elves, but I don’t like playing as them. If humans could be Druids, I’d main a human Druid.


Even if you removed Shadowmeld, Female Night Elf Druid would still be most played combo in the entire game.

My druid Asheru-Elune started life in 04 as a Female Nightelf Druid cause at the time it was the only druid race for the Alliance but as soon as Cataclysm rolled around and Worgen even as bad as they looked back then were an option I race changed her. Not that I don’t like Night Elves its just I wanted to play something different. With the model update to Worgen I’m happy with my choice.

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agreed. Nerf shadowmeld


It’s always been so weird to me that druid has remained such an exclusive class.

Here I was thinking this was another thread asking for dwarf druids…

Disappointing. :frowning:

I don’t want shadowmeld to be anything but a night elf racial.

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I am guilty of subconsciously assuming that every Moonkin I see in the open world is a bot.


Night elf is pretty good.

It’s okay, Tauren always get to be the punching bags, too. We can be abused races together.

Also sounds like a you preference, OP. Just stick to Night Elf if Shadowmeld is such a big thing for you.


Just a reminder, Wildhammer Dwarves could be Druids… my dream Allied race…

Blizzard needs to give Falstad some love and recognise the importance of the Wildhammer Clan!