Alliance disappears from the game. Devs, take action now!

The Alliance leaves the game, and after that the Horde will leave. Developers, you need to act now.


  • imbalance due to too strong Shamans.
  • paladins are too weak
  • the horde has too strong racial abilities


  • nerf of shamans by almost half
  • buff paladins to the level of shamans (healing and mana)
  • give the opportunity to choose the racial abilities of the horde into rings. (Orc stun resist would be useful)

I’ve created so many threads where I suggested how to nerf shamans and buff paladins that I won’t repeat it here again, just start working with the community or turn off the servers.


Paladins are not weak and they do not need a buff.


We got some nice buffs in P4. Holy saw improvement.

excellent arguments bro, I almost believed you

paladins too weak holy lmao you have GOT to be kidding me
sod gave you more than enough tools to play however the hell you want and lets face it you all want to play like wannabe warriors without any of the drawbacks anyway. keep facerolling with your pink class and stop crying for once


sometimes you should think before you start writing and not look funny. - Why is the alliance losing to BG? - shamans

  • why the alliance loses wPvP - shamans

  • why the alliance population is rapidly falling on pvp servers - shamans.

  • What is the difference between an alliance and a horde? Shamans and paladins.

I’m speaking in the language of facts, you’re just trying to keep your shaman class from being nerfed.


buff paladins? trolling


The reason alliance loses is because people who are more serious about pvp tend to gravitate toward the horde for better pvp racials. It’s not about the racials themselves but the people willing to min-max their characters for those bonuses. Shamans are good but they are not broken to the point that they are able to swing pvp as a whole in horde’s favor. It’s the difference in the two factions’ players’ priorities and interests that create this gap in pvp, and you can’t nerf the players themselves.

You are not speaking “the language of facts”, you’ve only expressed your perspective on the matter and not an objective truth.


where did you get the idea that the worst pvp players play for the alliance, and the best for the horde? did you just feel it?
I provide statistical data, I am not interested in arguing with people who simply “feel”. It’s like an artist arguing with an engineer about physics. Should not be doing that


reported for real life threat

this is your only option. Next time you argue, think about your arguments.

Remove racials

Did I just “feel” it? Yes, yes I did. And your argument is tenuous, because you, “the engineer”, has not “felt” and has chosen to base your perspective on only what the naked eye sees. I felt this disparity in the alliance and horde community’s attitude on pvp in my own experience progressing from a newbie to a half-decent player. I felt this disparity in observations of my guildmates and groupmates across factions. This is not an argument about physics but one about player behavior. You, “the engineer”, saw only your “mathematical equations” that are presented in your naked vision, and neglected to “feel” and think deeper beyond only the obvious differences between the two factions’ players. There’s more than “physics” involved here.

The better pvpers play horde. That’s a fact.
Alliance would rather complain about it on the forums rather than actually try.

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adjusting the balance of a pvp game is a pure mathematical equation, using different methods and forms of calculation. It’s like building a rocket to fly into space, you know? You are an artist, you can only draw it, but you can never make it fly.
The engineer will calculate all the parameters and it will take off. Don’t trust artists to build rockets and don’t let people create balance in a pvp game based on their “feelings”.

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You are going off topic here. We aren’t talking about “designing the rocket” or finding a method to achieve game balance. We are looking for the reason why alliance/horde pvp winrates are unequal. The human psyche is involved here, and your only choice is to consider its presence, or stray from the “balance” that you express as your goal.

I am seriously amazed by the amount of people that do not realize how absurdly imbalanced paladins are compared to shamans in pvp.

Do better players usually play horde because of the better racials? Absolutely.

Will horde win most wPvP events even if they nerf shamans and buff paladins in pvp? Most likely. That’s just the way ranged vs melee goes in group content.

But people that continue to believe that shamans and paladins are in an equivalent state atm in terms of PvP balance are just purely delusional. Paladins in a vacuum are ok, they are a great PvE class and in PvP 1v1 (for ret) they’re fine… but as soon as you look at group content, group pvp, BGs, BRM event… the difference is stupidly humongous. Shamans are the biggest outliers in terms of PvP, followed by hunters atm. The gap in utility, movement, range, burst, sustain… it’s insane, every aspect of the game shamans gap pretty much every other class atm… and this is coming from someone that plays a shaman before ppl start saying i’m a paladin main lol.

Devs seriously need to do something for PvP balance before too many people quit


If you cannot understand the meaning of the words, this does not mean that I am deviating from the topic. There are no logical connections in your words. What does human psychology have to do with it? This is a minor factor. it amuses me. I say that the reason is in the “calculations” - the numbers of damage, healing and overall utility of the shaman class compared to the paladin.

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Skill literally doesnt matter when you’re getting farmed 30v1 on blackrock mountain. Nice try.


Put 30 of me vs Xaryu.

He loses everytime and it ain’t even close.

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