Alliance disappears from the game. Devs, take action now!

I told them its an Alliance problem and they thought i was crazy.

You get what you deserve

I’m an alliance and i quit playing since they didnt release AV in phase 3 and locked us to 1 event for 4 months on a weekly thing. That drove me to retail and wow retail is fun with random group/raid finder and dragon flying. Its been super easy and i actually feel super powerful. When I said retail, i mean pandaland express sod, so fun! and you get “runes” just from random drops in the form of gems that you slot in gears and some pieces of gears you can add 3 gem for 3 abilities each! its like SoD on super steroids

When I retire, I will be sure to stop by my old workplace every couple days to let them know I left and to inform them about any company policies I disagreed with during my career there.


They’ll buy everyone pizza to get over the tragedy.

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Tbh the problem isn’t paladins being weak. The problem is that paladins are melee. Enh shams are absolute garbage in PvP right now. What saves them is that ele is sooooo strong and ranged.

If paladin had a ranged spec they would be better in this trappity trap waddle meta.

Yes… nerf an entire class by half.

Don’t quit your day job OP.

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Not even. They were never that great in regular Classic either. You are probably like 99% of all the others who rolled a pally for the first time ever and called it weak for not knowing how to play it. Ret sucks in Level 60 regular version. They literally have wet noodle damage and cant dps their way out of a wet paper bag. I got one to R11 and one to R9 and did both holy spec. Recking build is best for SoD (I see NONE of you pallies doing that), Shockadin with some cloth gear is second best and both are more than double what ret can do. All you paladin rerolls are playing Ret when ret is pure garbage in Level 60 cap WoW. A Shockadin can out dps any ret as well as outheal it.

Rets get wrecked hard in SoD and era. Took until original Wrath for Rets to be top. But for Classic Wrath ele shams were top for some reason. OG Wrath it was the rets. OG TBC it was Hpals. Classic TBC it was Enh and elerest.

Athene - Alliance
Bajeera - Alliance
Swifty - Alliance
Reckful - Alliance
Vanguards - Alliance
Hotted - Alliance
Mercader- Alliance

The Horde list is a lot smaller. So na. We aren’t going to act like Horde are the best PvPers here. And what faction wins the majority of the battleground by the way? ATRs are almost always won by Ally btw. BG9 was best back in the day and was Ally dominated, Tich Ally being the best of, still good.

Trashcan deleting 2 posts.
People are playing horde because they have a pvp advantage. Imagine bragging about beating someone when alliance players have a handicap. But I mean what do I expect. Someone whose a 1400 arena player needs to go someone where so they can talk crap when they are trash at the game.

Alliance destorying horde in Cata and in retail. Was at a 90% winrate in Epic BGs in retail when I was farming honor at the start of DF.

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This issue sounds like Horde in Cata. Almost every BG in Cata are Allly vs Ally atm. Maybe there the alliance players went.

bro said “that’s a fact” and has “Supreme Soloist” (win 150 rounds of solo shuffle) and hard stuck challenger lmao

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The handicap itself doesn’t make that big of a difference. Skilled pvp players want to play on the horde for their slightly better pvp racials, and that creates a skill gap between the two factions.

You know why alliance destroys horde in cata? Because in cata pvp players gravitate toward playing human for the even better racial. Its all skill gap and how much they value pvp, and not the minuscule difference between breaking a root or breaking a fear.

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One you are wrong. 2 what you said doesn’t change what I said.
Orc stun resist is brokenly good.
And shamans are broken from their damage and from their offensive and team oriented utility.
The fact Shamans have been broken for so long only made it so more and more people from Alliance quit (not swapped factions but quit the game) and made the population horde favored.

If you check ironforge pro and look at the most populated PvP servers, you can see a breakdown of each class. There are about the same number of shamans and paladins on these servers.

This is the reason horde is the better faction for PvP in classic wow. It’s that simple.

It’s the same reason alli is the better faction in cata classic right now.

That is such irrelevant faulty logic. Using ever created chars including inactive alts. Just get put on ignored. Nothing good will come from listening to you.

Acting like Racial is the only thing causing the faction imbalancing and not the literal broken class lol.

I’m not trying to change what you said, although most of what you said were just trashtalk. I am building upon your point that “alliance players are handicapped”, and giving you my perspective that while this handicap exists, general gravitation of serious pvp players toward the horde due to this “handicap” is what truly makes alliance lose. If all horde shamans suddenly turned into paladins, alliance would still lose because there’s more people on alliance who simply have no interest in pvp and are just doing it for pre-bis. There’s a reason why most PVE servers are alliance favored.

Your response to my argument? “One you are wrong”.

Also, you can’t say anything about the population because is not reliable right now with no raids out.

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It’s not the racial causing the imbalance. It’s the fact that anyone that actually plays the game primarily for pvp goes horde for the slight advantage the racials give.

Using ironforge population recent logs, the most populated alli severs are all pve. The most populated horde servers are pvp.

Shamans could be deleted from the game tomorrow and horde would still dominate bg’s.

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Paladins are a support class. That’s how they were designed and that’s ok. They aren’t meant to hit hard like Warriors, they aren’t meant to dps. They’re meant to enable everyone else around them and occasionally dish out some burst with a reck bomb or a holy shock crit.
But of course everyone wants SoD to be like retail so now you have this utter confused mess of abilities cherrypicked from different expansions and slapped on to Vanilla. Enjoy it because it won’t be happening again, you can bet on it.

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Jokes on you I didn’t brag about beating any one. Fact still stands the better pvpers are playing horde in sod regardless if they have an advantage or not. I never claimed that I was good at PvP.

I could care less that I’m “hardstuck” 1400 in retail. I never said I was good or bad at PvP lol

Correct it is a fact. The better pvpers are horde side.

I never made any claims about my own skill in PvP

on classic where they have all the OP racials/class faction specific, sure, but def not on retail or cata lol