Alliance Demands Paid Faction Changes

There’s no need for free faction changes. There’s already a way for you to have a level 70 orc. You know what it is.

Nah, I’ll just whine in the forums like the horde did till I get my way


oh no horde players that only have a few hrs to play can actually enjoy the game now… gg game is ruined … please people will still play alliance because their racial are good and they still have instant queue, also call me crazy but some people pick faction based on a aesthetic not min max.


Lmao. Are you saying people only picked alliance for queue times? I guess it makes sense that most people dont wanna play fat midgets, annoying gnomes, and humans.


PvP sucks so who cares lol, anyone who was good at pvp stopped after hitting rank 14 on vanilla

have you used your boost yet?

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JuSt ReRoLl HoRdE


right right because of your 45 minute queues

they should be free but blizz hates the alliance so they will be paid
alliance brothers unsub and cry non stop like the horde

That only works for the horde. Blizzard is showing pretty much zero integrity, as usual.

I am sick of this strawman

we knew from og and classic that horde ques was going to be a thing

many people spent money on boosts and spent a month+ leveling alliance to they could have short ques knowing that they are trading it for weaker racials and a drastically smaller pvp communitty.

and now because a change that never existed in vanilla, they feel betrayed

Nah, I will quit the game before I go zug.

After sunwell blizzard will never get another dime from me for any of their content. They will get what they clearly want a one faction game.

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27.45% of the overall PVP population is undead
14.91% of the overall PVP population is Orc
3.64% of the overall PVP population is troll

Wow man i guess all those players really just love playing horde and totally didn’t pick those races based on PVP racials

Wierd that no one likes playing troll? Must just be the aesthetics!

A 15% chance to resist stuns and damage CD compared to draenei’s casted heal that heals 1k over 15seconds? Pretty easy choice there

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What are you gonna do?
Cry about it?

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While I agree that us dirty, filthy, mud hut dwelling horde should be punished eternally for our faction choice, apparently Blizz feels it’s important for both factions to have a reasonable chance of doing battlegrounds.

I mean, obviously they’re wrong. The horde deserve everything they have coming to them for failing to be as big brain as the alliance. But it is what it is unfortunately. Probably the only thing left for you to do is reroll.



is real right now.


compelling rebuttal you have

Just re-roll :wink:


waiting in line =/= not being able to do a thing

or quit the game outright.

Anyone who thinks dual spec isn’t coming, is deluding themselves.

Hint: if you want it before TK/SSC make at least 2(two) threads a day about it

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