If you’re going to screw us over with same faction BGS and make Alliance pointless there is ABSOLUTELY no reason you should deny us the ability to faction change to horde. There are ZERO benefits to being alliance. Give us paid faction changes and lets have 99% of all servers be horde.
Just re-roll horde. That was the solution ally gave horde right?
Why would we ever reroll when we could just spam cry on forums till they give us what we want like horde players.
The issue is, that horde knew what was happening, its not like blizzard came in and said “you shalth have long queue times because everyone plays horde”
Now, blizz comes along and says "hey alliance, eff off, cya "
Why do I feel like this was blizzards plan all along to get paid faction changes.
Forums are gonna be a lot of fun this weekend.
If their plan was to kill the game to make retail look more appealing they are doing a really good job. Expect horde populations to soar on every server.
I mean the timing is far too coincidental. I expected some change to be announced after 9.1 but not this quickly. 9.1 must have done horribly for action to be this quick and blizzards just trying to retain as many players as possible - which again is through short sighted and stupid additions.
Yep, Why bother being Alliance now? I’m boosting a horde 58 and never looking back. I hope every server becomes 99% horde.
Think Alliance need to get it through their head that “Faster BG queue times” is not really a perk that should be given to one specific faction. If this game had fast queue times from the start, you’d most likely still be ally.
Just re roll bro.
Yep they should just reroll because that’s what they told the horde to do
This plays ignorance to the fact that “reroll” was a response to the Horde telling Alliance players to reroll/server transfer during Classic.
It’s not like this is ancient history. I don’t understand why so many people seem to completely forget what happened throughout Classic.
have u tried rerollling horde
Screw that, horde get free solutions to their problems why do we have to keep paying?
They already did.
Whitemane a week before pre-patch and paid boosts
gyazo dot com/b426c14b1ebddc31c47680bee4429816
Whitemane at TBC launch
gyazo dot com/6031d9390480981980d1ead786237931
Faerlina before
gyazo dot com/baea9c66c98fb2dcb7acfb0dc87f2841
Faerlina at TBC launch
gyazo dot com/f199dcf1cff05fa532351a8903657770
Fairbanks was a 60/40 split with horde advantage, this is what it’s at today
gyazo dot com/be1a2da68cd0063fcb20756e131bc24a
Why would we ever reroll when we could just spam cry on forums till they give us what we want like horde players.
Look, all I’m saying is rerolling is an option
Yep, I want orc hardiness and bloodfury. Free faction changes please, like what the horde wanted the entire week
On a post you posted on it says horde stop asking for merc mode you said just play alliance now you can play horde