Alliance Darkshore Portal Crash

One thing I noticed with this is that it only happens to my “female” Night Elf Hunter. My Night Elf Druid who is “male” never has any issues. I did a few racial changes a few months back on a priest who was a NE and “she” also would drop through the world after entering the portal.

I have recently got to the point of just flying over to Darkshore and go back in time to the Cata version Darkshore before I leave. I don’t drop through the world then from Boralus going to the Cata Darkshore

I’d say that is definitely the problem. If you look through the thread it’s almost all female night elfs posting.

Not definitely a problem for female night elfs only. Dwarf priest here. Been falling since the beginning of BfA. Can’t wait to try the levitate trick if I can ever get logged back in again.

May the riches of Azeroth be yours Alatheia. After submitting bug reports for over a year now this worked for me. I wish I’d known sooner. <3