Alliance cheat premade AV

The AV losers mark? I don’t know.

I don’t have a problem with world PVP. It’s just that you already said you do it so making threats saying you are going to do something which you already do is kind of odd.


God forbid alliance win some AVs


I think I got into that premade today by chance and we absolutely steamrolled the horde, they didn’t cap a single bunker and I don’t think they killed Balinda either… almost 700 bonus honor from the win, it was also the daily quest AND it was the first and only AV I qued for today lmfao


forbid alliance does anything… in general imrite.

most of the horde players think alliance are npcs that they can zug zug over most of the time.


I got no problem watching the alliance win but the attitude that many of you display is disgusting af. Its like you honestly believe the alliance is a real thing and the players on the other side aren’t human beings.

I honestly felt bad during P2 when you guys were getting camped mercilessly in wpvp. But after watching the constant toxicity coming out of you guys on the forums I feel like you get what you deserve.

One week you are ridiculing the horde for complaining about hour long bg queues, the next week you are literally crying about how Blizzard hates you. Then when they revert the change you guys double down and go back to trolling horde players calling them crybabies and my favorite “zug zugs”, its like this video game is bringing the worst parts of you out to the surface.

Oh look what got posted as I was typing this:

Every thing I said. Plain as day. Absolutely disgusting honestly.

But its OP racials making everybody roll horde, not your nasty attitudes and rampant victim complex.


Why don’t you get this defensive when the Horde display a nasty attitude and claim they’re going to grief people?


Just give us instant queues and you can keep your AV cheats. fair enough.

No theres no point in feeling sorry for you guys at this point. You have mocked and ridiculed horde players long enough. Like I said I felt sorry for you. Thats changed though because you guys are so hypocritical that it hurts.

When we had HvH battlegrounds you guys QQ’d like it was P2 all over again. Now that they are gone you are all back to the same song and dance as before.

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One week horde are crying about queues and the next they are telling alliance to reroll or mocking them for having legit faction balance fears or gloating about farming levelers in open world. Anyone who tries to paint one faction as a saint while demonizing the other is probably deluding themselves. Player behavior has nothing to do with the faction they play.


Say what you want about the horde players, but they don’t blame blizz for their problems. You guys always cry foul and act like its preferential treatment when something changes.

I’m done trying to reason with people like you who are perpetually triggered by everything and anything. The toxicity breeding within the Alliance is truly out of hand.

This is a pretty hypocritical post in itself. As if the Horde didn’t wine and cry to get their way. Almost every PVP change that was made during all of classic negatively impacted the Alliance in someway while benefiting the Horde. We played classic AV map for a year & a half and almost every Alliance complain was met with a “gg get good” response. You’re posting like the Horde haven’t QQ’d their way to all the changes we’ve had.


This is only possible because the pool of players alliance side is so small they are basically the only people in Q.

There is little to no way to fix this without creating even larger Horde Q’s.

Op already has another thread where he actually provides a link to the discord, think I might use that link to see what all the fuss is about!

Always the victim, eh? Players are toxic from both factions and you can deny it to yourself if you want, but most of us see it coming from individuals and not factions. I’ve even seen a horde player say they hope alliance faction dies. That is a toxic individual, but in your world, that makes horde toxic, I suppose.


Like I said I don’t care what you think. I’ve fought for you guys on the forums when you were getting told to “git gud” and the same people I defended treat me like I’m a pos just because I play an undead.

Its tiresome to extend an olive branch to a person who does nothing but spit and punch you in the face endlessly. You want to treat people like trash over a video game? Go right ahead but I don’t have to take it or like it.

Boo hoo they said mean things about your make believe faction in a video game. You are gonna spin I say there is literally no point in talking to you. You’re the same poster from the other thread that got triggered because I posted a youtube video. Everything is a reason for you to explode on someone, its why you are here right now getting so upset over what I said. You are a blatant troll, thats why you hid your profile so people have to take an extra step to add you to ignore.


I would actually agree with you. But that applies to both sides. Everyone likes to cry when they see a problem and they do not have an immediate fix to.

I’m sick of people calling racials are OP and whatnot. They give a slight edge if anything, but it doesn’t create a huge disparity between factions as one would think. some are helpful in arena, others in open world, and others in BGs.

Alliance have a hero complex because they stand against sheer numbers, and horde are just crazy in wanting to distinguish themselves from the insane pool of players they have. Never understood why someone would grief or gank lowbies or downright just waste someone else’s time for no good reason, but its a thing in MMOs, and the same would apply when you somehow end up dominating the other faction in 1 way or another.

People always will want to grief others that they think are their enemy, and people forget that at the end of the day, it’s just another person behind a computer screen.

All in all, welcome to the internet. You can try to make a valid point, but it will always be drowned by a ton of other troll comments.


wait until he finds out people premade discord wsg/ab/eots too

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You can’t see because it’s the reply directly after the previous. It makes it difficult for the OP to distinguish between a reply to them and a reply to the previous poster.

I’m surprised they haven’t put the smack down on premades a while ago. They tried patching the queue system to break them, but apparently that’s not working anymore.

It’s really not a stretch to see how this behavior violates the EULA.

If it isn’t a violation, then why can you only queue AV with 5 people?

Check mate Alliance.

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